Nothing was ever wrong with calling them “virtual assistants” - at least with them you’re conditioned to have a low bar of expectations. So if it performs past expectations, you’ll be excited, lol.
Nothing was ever wrong with calling them “virtual assistants” - at least with them you’re conditioned to have a low bar of expectations. So if it performs past expectations, you’ll be excited, lol.
They used the wrong type of bulb. Ordinarily the bulb will be made of a UV blocking glass, and not be quartz based. I think? So it’s not usually the shroud that stops UV except in cases of Halogen bulbs. These would be CFL without any shield except perhaps a cage to protect against things thrown.
If you want to have a single window for multiple shells or you want to replace use of tmux in an SSH context, Zellij is exactly that. The plus side is if you work remote from your machine, an ssh connection will feel faster than a VNC session to the same machine. IMO 100% a difference you can feel if you already remote to your work desktop.
I haven’t seriously used it yet but I should. If you’re a fan of text environments it’s worth a shot. I’m still rocking multiple putty windows like a caveman.
They hold “system binaries” meant for root user. It’s not a hard distinction but many if not most Linux fundamentals have their roots in very early computing, mainframes, Bell and Xerox, and this good idea has been carried into the here&now. Not sure about the provenance of this one, but it makes sense. isn’t /mnt /media different between distros? These aren’t hard and fast rules - some distros choose to keep files elsewhere from the “standard”.
/bin and /usr/bin, one is typically a symbolic link to another - they used to be stored on disks of different size, cost, and speed.