Well that was 18% of 90% so still awful drain regardless.
Well that was 18% of 90% so still awful drain regardless.
Well here’s the drain I was talking about at least. 18% in less than an hour and thirty minutes of use for a web browser isn’t normal. In an hour of use a Chromium browser only drains 6-7 ish % for me. This has been an issue for I guess the past month or so? It drove me crazy so I had to uninstall. And it’s not just me either, there are tons of posts from people with the same problem on Reddit. If you don’t have problems, good for you I guess.
I ran Firefox Android with uBo and AdGuardDNS.
That’s all fine and good but Firefox on Android is currently in a sorry state. No per-site process isolation, buggy, can’t keep tabs open, slow, choppy, drains battery. Had to uninstall it on my brand new Galaxy S24+ and my Pixel 6 Pro because it was draining so much battery. When are you going to finally stop ignoring Firefox Android, Mozilla?
Oh here’s my monthly reminder that JK Rowling is nutjob.
It’s open source. Authy isn’t.
Any reason to switch from Aegis?
Can we have a YouTube competitor? Pretty please? 🥺
I would donate if I wasn’t so broke =)
I use Orion. It’s basically Safari but way better.
Still not available in my country. Sadge.
DNA and voice is voluntary at least for now, but they will do a mandatory iris scan. Doesn’t make it any better in my books. The fact that the government even wants this much biometric data is ridiculous.
That’s the Vietnamese government for you. Such blatant overreach and I’ve seen little discourse on this issue. So many people blindly trust it because national unity/national security/patriotism or whatever. If you dare to oppose the government, they’re taking you to the police station for questioning. There’s basically no press freedom and internet freedom is shit as well so where the hell are people going to get differing opinions? All the articles I’ve read are simply parroting the government. This shit would never fly in a democracy. The writing has been on the wall for a long time. I’ll be finding ways to get tf out of here
New crime unlocked: thinking un-patriotic thoughts
deleted by creator
I don’t. I charge it when I wake up. It’s about ready when I need to go.
Well they got it right all three times sooo I’d say pretty good for me.
I’ve had 3 pfizer shots.
Yeah I got tested (RT-PCR) at a clinic too. COVID 19 confirmed. The rapid at-home test got it right all three times.