They knew what they were doing… They had to. Lol
This just means “to insult”. Not exactly interchangeable with “overcome with a negative emotion”.
But yes, I fucking hate this kind of hyperbole in news headlines. The other one I see is blasts like somebody legit fired a Kamehameha wave at somebody else.
“The Trump Hotel”
Not with that attitude!
On YouTube there is a video
Of a news story
About a man who finds himself on a website for missing children.
There’s actually a documentary about this that I watched a few years back. They played recordings of the noises too. So strange.
Jasmine green tea is lovely. If you like complexity in simplicity, try some oolong teas.
If you’re interested in trying out the full breadth of flavors you can get out of teas, I’d like to suggest buying an electric kettle where you can set the water temperature (they’re like $20-$25 online now) and a website I really like that sells tea and tea blends blends called (I think the company’s full name is August Uncommon Teas).
Regarding the kettle, it’s because black tea only requires boiling water (212°F, same temperature needed for making coffee), but green and white teas require 170°F and 190°F, respectively. Making green tea using boiling water causes a really bitter flavor, and not the kind it’s supposed to have. Green tea and tea in general will always have a bitterness, but it’s still a massive difference to the point that I’ve spaced out and put boiling water into a cup of green tea, realize it a few moments too late, and dump it out because it’s as good as ruined to me.
The website has a few pure teas, and there are many kinds of black tea varieties, green tea varieties, and white tea varieties in the world in general, but I go there for the blends. Low Country is my favorite black tea blend, and Know by Heart is my favorite white tea blend. They got my partner into tea too! They’ve also got recipes for some of their tea blends to make cocktails and mocktails, lattes, etc.
Connect rarely makes it on these lists, but I think it’s fantastic.
An article published detailed what it was like working with Elon Musk at Tesla. Apparently, he rarely, if ever, has any idea what’s going on in his own companies.
Basically, the dude just says things. He has no idea how most of his products or software work or anything. He just says things.
Do I just copy and paste this into my filter lists?