Odds are the worst one is still using Twitter.
Odds are the worst one is still using Twitter.
If they influence the election to their desired outcome, then the value won’t matter. The damage will have been done.
About that Concord tie in DLC.
Best palindrome I ever come across is boob. I heard Jimmy Carr say it, but he could be repeating somebody else’s joke.
I was like you earlier. It will hit you.
Had to take a break and come back later before it made sense.
You should press backspace. 😉
I’m sure you can still get them going today.
Amazing Alex. Also ppsspp with Everybody’s Golf
Video Giga,
I share that memory. At least twice
Is that select * ?
I expect it looks more cumbersome with joins and multiple columns from different tables.
I didn’t know it existed, but it does and it’s perfect. thank you.
There should be an xkcd for Google killing off stuff.
Unless there already is.
Or an Onion article that we can repeat post everyone this happens. Twice a year in most years. Google Domains.
I’d say average.
In every project and in every team, I end up being strong because I fix the hard stuff. I debug better and I deliver mostly bug free code. My code is more efficient and performant than my coworkers most of the time.
That’s gotta count for something.
Imposter syndrome is good for me. Keeps me learning.