Isn’t this sorta how the Corporate Wars started in the Cyberpunk universe?
Isn’t this sorta how the Corporate Wars started in the Cyberpunk universe?
You said “enlighten” which reminds me of something. This is a copy/paste of a comment i’ve posted before:
“How did we overthrow Kings again? Something about us becoming ahem “Enlightened” during some sort of era or period? What can we learn from the successes and failures? Where did Europeans get ideas of freedom, autonomy, equality, and question of authority from when all they knew about was Kings and Divine Right? Did they perhaps go to some kind of ahem New World with a matchcoat and musket to live and trade amongst the natives for 200 years?! Perhaps there was some sort of ahem Indiginous Critique on European Culture that sorta blew the minds of the French, English, and Dutch alike? Perhaps they wrote some plays about this! That they could disobey or :gasps: impeach their leaders? That pursuasion and reason might be more important? Perhaps over some coffee and pipe tobacco? Oh right, next thing you’d think i’d say is they didn’t trade or so much as look at silver? How they MUST have had a “Market” how else could goods or heirlooms possibly trade hands? Certainly not gifts, quests, or gambling! Jeez, I wonder if we still have something to learn from these ideas that were just too darn complicated for Ben Franklin and Jean Jacque Rousseau!”
If you would like to learn more teachings from a culture that inspired the LITERAL FUCKING ENLIGHTENMENT PERIOD, allow me to “enlighten” you:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzWj9ZORv8E - Immortal Technique (2001)
https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/russell-means-for-america-to-live-europe-must-die - Speech dictated by the american indian Russel Means.
https://environicsindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/socialism.pdf - Albert Einstein (bonus reading)
“B-but the Free Markets” their head twists erratically and sparks fly, a spring pops out of their neck. “Capitalism… Vote with your wallet… Extremism in any form is wrong…” they say, buzzing with malfunctioning word salad and CNN talking points like a radio skipping through stations.
They’re cowards who have never been in a scuff or even so much as a play-fight in their whole lives. They prefer the protection of isolating themselves in a brick chimney as opposed to protection through rationale, reason, and community.
Nah they hold the “balanced and nuanced perspective” of shutting their eyes, plugging their ears, going “Lalala Free Market Lalala Free Market…” at the top of their lungs where their children can see them.
White tech-bro liberals have as much soul as a laptop. I’ve noticed that almost every tech bro Free Market Liberal-tarian i’ve met has aphantasia, they can’t even produce images in their heads to think.
Americans wouldn’t let that happen.
Right, Americans?
People will say “I don’t need God in my life to be a good person” out one side of their mouth, while out the other say, “People need laws and the state to be a good person.” I’m an atheist just like them, I just go one god further.
Hard agree. If rioters burned down mansions instead of small businesses we’d see change sooner.
Yeah I know what you mean. Sucks too when they call themselves liberals but are conservatives in practice, they live in a very comfortable little box thanks to their paychecks, so they have no reason or need to think about the problems because “The markets are better than ever, it’s working well for me, I need to work with it to feed my family.” Historically, it’s always those people who turn coat and turn reporter for the fascists to save their own skin. Hence my statement that if you choose your comfort and paycheck over resisting against tyranny then you’re part of the problem (the royal you, not you in particular.)
Wow thank you for the incredibly balanced argument. I really want to switch to Linux for all the obvious reasons, but it’s the same cliche reason why I don’t - I’m too much of a bitch-dude to make such a big change to something I use and operate on the daily without certainty. But as i’ve said, the moment say Valve come out with a SteamOS for desktop which is basically Windows through and through minus the bloatware and corruption (that isn’t to say Valve isn’t corrupt but they’re not making weapons for Israel) is the day I switch with no qualms. Like many I’m far too used to the interface and compatability of Windows still.
It’s animalistic nature to blow off steam, it’s human nature to take a deep breath and respond instead of react. But yeah, I think the reason us leftist fight so much is because we’re the only ones willing to give eachother the conversation xD
Likewise. There is far too much ego on the left sometimes, too busy trying to dunk on eachother with who has the best theory or whatever. It’s time for us to address our common goals, remember how united everyone was with Luigi for a moment? It’s there, right under the surface, it’s only a matter of time and £$billions are being spent trying to suppress it. They’re losing, thrashing, and flailing. Idk if we should just mercy finish them off or just let nature take its course, my inner angel cries to help them but we all agree they’re not trying to help us.
The acting part is important. They’re all action and no theory, we’re all theory and no action. I mean they stormed the capitol for god’s sake. I want to start reading more on Fred Hampton, Angela Davis, Gil Scott Heron, back when the left still existed before being squashed by the police and FBI. Their torch needs to be carried now more than ever.
We have a lot in common TrickDacy.
It’s reeeeaaaaally wordy, I recommend audiobook or read along with audiobook. It’s not complicated language or anything it’s just reeeeaaaally dense, i’d take breaks between pages to digest what I’ve read.
I just wanna stop feeling bad when Muta yells at me.
I recently read the book ‘Dawn of Everything’ which is a somewhat expose on some of the data about humans, human nature, and inequality discovered by anthropologists and archaeologists in the last 20 or so years thanks to modern technology, and while I’m weary of any “grand narratives” on human evolution like say ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’, ‘Sapiens’, ‘The Next/Last 100 Years’ I find that the actual scientific evidence paints a much more optimistic view of humans and our politics without being shy about our wickedness. In short our so-called “development” isn’t linear at all, and the limits to our societies is simply our imaginations. Human beings are destined for freedom and communion, the more our technology breaks social barriers the closer we move towards a global village. The difference is I don’t think we’ve ever been closer to that, and that excites me. Consider this my thanks :)
Nothings gonna happen to that kid. This is the classic Israeli “We will conduct an investigation” response with zero follow through. They do this to get away with genocide, i’m sure they’ll be able to get away with a “misinterpreted hand gesture.”