Omfg. That’s impressively stupid.
Omfg. That’s impressively stupid.
“I, for one, welcome our new Viking overlords.”
edit: "
As a side note, I am sure someone named Jesus has already been deported by the current administration.
At a certain point, we’re back to philosophy. Do you really want to build in a back door in the first place? What is the trade off between privacy and security and potential use by any enforcement agency in apprehending who they consider to be bad actors? How much of the resources of those agencies are actually allocated to taking down real threats to actual people vs protecting moneyed interest?
I mean, at least do that with the men, too.
Usually, it’s not even going back at all. The generational wealth kids I grew up around still had their parents stealing their workers’ wages and engaging in fucked up business practices.
It might not be exterminating a native population kind of thing, but there’s that whole thing about the banality of evil and generally accepted insanity, so I still think it counts.
Yeah, lemme just make sure nobody shitty moves next to me really quick. I can certainly afford to be picky about where I live in the current and future housing market, too.
Edit: whoosh for me
Seriously, lol.
The two republicans mentioned in the article are for sure the two heads of that vomiting earthworm in the pic. The coffee analogy guy being the one vomiting his drivel of lead addled brainrot into an elementary school level take on broadband data caps and general economic theory.
This is a great post. Additionally, if the exploitation isn’t occurring in a ramp up of costs to use basic functions of the service, it’s definitely occurring somewhere else and likely at the expense of your privacy.
Agreed as to Walgreens. Walgreens has surprised me with their photo and printing options. They are also located in the burbs, so that is nice.
Yeah lol I’ve been a fan since then, for sure. She’s a badass.
Isn’t this the start of a Pierce Brosnan Bond movie? The one with Michelle Yeoh lol
Are you me?
Love ol’ Jim. My stepdad and I caught him for his 2014 tour and it’s been one of the highlights of both our live entertainment experiences lol that and seeing Rush in 2012.
Edit: “live” entertainment lol… Gotta love mobile.
To be fair, I’m so desensitized to this stuff that it is becoming hackneyed lol
Not great, not terrible…
Genuinely everything. It’s like a whole program on just “how to find the newest worst way to be a human being”.
DUI hire for sure. He, RFK Jr. and a lot of the other crew in this disgusting administration all look and act like absolute aliens. I saw a picture of RFK recently and dude looks like a fucking warped tree.