Yes! Let’s make this place feel like home 🙂
Yes! Let’s make this place feel like home 🙂
Nice, I missed that! I have Apple TVs in every room at my place, so that’s a big upgrade for me.
I worry about your mental health if you implement your button though 😆
Sounds like maybe there’s a little refinement needed for that functionality but, like you said, it’s a step in the right direction!
Lots of cool stuff in this release. I could see some very cool automations being built using the new service responses.
A combo of both. I group all my media apps like Sonarr, Radarr, SABnzbd, etc together in one compose since I consider each of them to be a part of the same “machine”, but most of my apps have their own compose.
I have an HP DL380 Gen8 and then a PC I bought from the local university and use as a server.
My DL380 runs ESXi. My PC runs Ubuntu on bare metal.
All of my apps are either fully VM-based (Home Assistant OS) or run in containers. Containers are far easier to build, upgrade, and migrate, and also make file management a lot easier.
I use Docker Compose. No Swarm or Kubernetes at this point.
Hopefully this is at least a good start! Let me know if you have any questions.
Those are very original!
How do you detect the zoomies?!?
I like to shop at https://cloudfree.shop/ when I can. Their pre-flashed Tasmota smart plugs are nice and support MQTT/fully local integrations.
These are Zigbee, so they are entirely local as long as you control them with a control software such as Zigbee2MQTT or ZHA that doesn’t interact with the cloud.
I have some arbitrary temps in my system too. I also have our bed warmer automated to turn on each night, but only if it’s <=60 F outside.
That’s pretty cool! I haven’t dove into the world of air purifiers yet.
No special addon. I use a Node-RED flow to query the Paperless-NGx API to find the number of documents with the “intake” tag. Here’s a template.
That’s a great one! We have an automation like that too, though we sometimes wish we could remain blissfully ignorant that the laundry is done.
I found the same if I try to log in too often. I found that it doesn’t hit me with a captcha when I set the cadence to hourly.
If you have a college or university near you, search online to see if they have a property disposition department.
I just got an HP Z2 SFF from my local university for $182. It has a Core i7-8700, 16 GB of RAM, and a 512GB NVME SSD.
Adding to the chorus of voices telling you to get a Sonoff stick.
The Conbee II is very old at this point and shouldn’t be used for new setups.