my main concern is it needs to be more capible than a nas /while being cheap af /with decent selfhosting options
my main concern is it needs to be more capible than a nas /while being cheap af /with decent selfhosting options
Pornbay.org. If you can manage the register… Has a lot ov Vr porn among other things. To torrent
I Rather pay more once. And actual own my games. Than get nickeld and dimed. And own noting…
id rather pay a webhost a monthly fee and host most things i need myself your better of donating/buying a opensorce project /app than pay for a licensen to a company whom enforces always online apps . if possible sadly its not always an option as not all things have an alternative or a lacking
You probly could use tail scale. To acses jellyfin remotely. And automaticly sort /download things trough sonarr/radarr. If Windows is not a must I would probly recommend using ubuntu-kde on your laptop. There a script cald yams.media. That can do the install of all thing for you.
These are some things I recommend. Vault warden. (paswoord manager). Jellyfin. (a great web based media player)… Portainer
Amazon prime. Cruncyroll… The rest Il jjust privateer from a server with jellyfin +arr stack
I would recommend Mailcow. It’s docker based. Has an unificial way to instal portainer. And is docker based. And easy to update and there are decent setup tuts on YouTube. I’m using itt myself on my server. And it’s realy easy to install /keep up tot date. Using a shell script
Ive bin using oneprovider (Frans /Amsterdam) for a while now. They somtimes got some decent dedi server for like any where between 10/16 euros a month (1tb HD. 4gig ram is usely like 10to12 euro month . Kinda depends on what you want. But they are nice servers space wise.
Ive used both Portainer or yacht. Its a decent ways.to manage docker stacks/aps.it kinda depends on the wishes you have app wise. Im also trying out a project named cosmos.(simplyfied portainer like app but with a focus on ease of use) on afriend server
This looks like a great idea. It would inprove lemmmy instances. Especialy the one user instances
I use mosly free foss apps. It’s has become a hasle to use programs that force online acounts. Kinda hate it when a app is slowly turned into a weird web app with heavy drm. And exploitive licenses
if posible the whole of reddit should just limit/disable posting if possible
and un privet the subreddits for historic reasons .
48 hours is just not gonna make a significant effect on reddits wallet
the strike should be atleast a few months .at this rate the protest will do fuck all
i love lurking on reddit .but while on lemmy its not so hard to forget reddit
I signed the petition. I Hope it sucseeds. Please spread the word. And ask people to Sign the petition. Gaming. Needs better consumeren protection laws desperatly.