Yes, there is (for schools and their employees). I literally cited the law.
Yes, there is (for schools and their employees). I literally cited the law.
OP isn’t in the US but you’re wrong here.
Even in public spaces schools are limited with what they can say or publish about kids FERPA. Including pictures. They must have explicit parental consent.
I don’t know about Europe but the cheap iphone (SE I think unless they changed the name I don’t follow apple too much) is the same price as the 6a.
No jumping involved. I read the transcript, it’s shitty clickbait content. You’re being awfully hypocritical with your assumptions.
I don’t disagree with the conclusions, the issue is with how it’s being presented.
Yea the title might be a bit clickbaity
Then you do get it.
What conclusion do you think I’ve jumped to?
Also, transcripts don’t solve the problem of shit content designed for video. It’s the same script.
It provides far more information than the shitty clickbait title. It actually informs people on the content of the video.
The video is 17 minutes. Their comment is 2 sentences.
I find this type of information in video form to be insufferable. Just like putting something like “watch before commenting” in your title.
EFF isn’t trying to make money off of you or willing to compromise your privacy for profit when necessary.
Yes, I know. In this case though it appears to be an online transaction not in store so no cash isn’t an option. That said, as I pointed out, generally even that won’t be the case most of the time. It’s just the worst case.
Just do a charge back worst case, you won’t be able to buy anything from them again. Not really a loss and generally doesn’t happen anyway.
Change mail (private) to moderated public notice board (not private). The owner of the public notice board should probably be sued for allowing the content to stay up.
I’m suing them for defamation for saying that
Not actually suing, that would require discovery which would lead to losing and more importantly forcing them to disclose their moderation policies. It’s just an empty threat to sue so nazi sympathizers can point to it and “see they don’t allow nazi’s.”
Sure, but that shouldn’t be surprising. Gentoo isn’t trying to intentionally make the process harder. I haven’t installed it for years but even then it was fairly streamlined and easy for what you’re doing.
It literally lists SSD as a system requirement.
It’s not the GPU. The game is largely CPU bound.
13 and up due to COPPA if this is a US based website.
Even better, it should ignore all input except 0-9 so it doesn’t matter if you try to put spaces or other characters.
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