If something supports linux-libre kernel, it supports all distros. See https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Hardware-Considerations.html
Also: https://www.h-node.org/
If something supports linux-libre kernel, it supports all distros. See https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Hardware-Considerations.html
Also: https://www.h-node.org/
Never heard of forcing VPN providers to block something. Kinda defeats the purpose. Long live Tor I guess?
It’s about the fact that you HAVE TO trust them to not read your plaintext messages, not see your private photos, whereas Signal is open source (ok both server and client side) and end to end encrypted so you don’t really have to trust anyone.
Signal has been under way more scrutiny than SimpleX. In both academic papers and security audits.
Thanks! Gotta admit I didn’t check the link, for the lazy like me, it’s basically a torrent file that you download and the site tells you your IP. Neat.
I prefer https://ip.network/, much easier to remember.
I’d rather let some EU company like Qwant use my anonymized data, to hopefully someday build their own index, than use Google by proxy (except when neccessary, of course).