bans identifying as human
bans identifying as human
If you are still on Reddit, that is pathetic. The API pricing was the reason to leave.
If I remember correctly, Cloudflare openly defended hosting a well known Neo-Nazi forum.
I just want to stop seeing a storm of them when I am on a road. I can’t seem to drive anywhere without seeing approximately 10 within a single hour.
Thanks. However I meant the list of deadlines itself.
Is there anyone who has the full list? I don’t want to give my email. Safari’s Reader Mode doesn’t work for the whole webpage.
Who said you cared about them after they were born?
Yeah, they said there was no identifiable serial number on those bags. This was just a hoax.
At this point, looking at this vehicle with your naked eyes is bound to cause damage.
I fully accept that what might be environmentally good today is not wholly obtainable. This things like this are what I must do as a part of the society that doesn’t have better means for whatever reason.
I am picturing The Righteous Gemstones level of programming (this makes sense if you’ve watched season 3).
Chicken sandwich porn? When Popeyes came out with their sandwich, there was a trending video on Pornhub soon after titled “PAWG let me Fuck her for a Popeyes Chicken Sandwich”. The Internet beat you to that.
This is what Edward Enigma was doing, but general brainwashing instead.
That explains why. throws hands up https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_13_196
Didn’t the EU force Microsoft to show third-party alternatives to Internet Explorer like a decade ago? I feel like this is the same thing.
How to speed run your entire user base into hating you.
Don’t you dare disrespect Hologram Janeway! /s
But please don’t.
EDIT: Just to be clear my tone is the sarcasm.
Okay, but what did a HOLOGRAM have this knowledge?
As long as we can still go to The Restaurant the End of the Universe, I’m cool with that.
So I guess you don’t mind having to bury it if it catches fire, because they reach insane temperatures. Or the fact that raccoons think they are dumpsters.