Lots do. But do you know anyone that turns JS off anymore? Platforms don’t care if they miss the odd user for this - because almost no one will be missed.
Lots do. But do you know anyone that turns JS off anymore? Platforms don’t care if they miss the odd user for this - because almost no one will be missed.
Uh huh.
Hey Elon, go fuck yourself.
RIP Kabosu. 😭 It’s wonderful to think about the sheer amount of ridiculousness you are responsible for.
By the beard, this is some next-level shit. Imagine listening to his jibber-jabber about Grays and thinking “that sounds like a good idea”?
This new “ruling CEO” class is bloody dangerous.
I am concerned to think of all the terrible and just plain wrong information you have been given.
I recently discovered Obsidian - I use sync.com (free) and save my obsidian vault on my shared sync drive. Works like a charm, I can have it open on multiple devices.
Sounds like a backfire to me. Did you read the article? The lobbying was from TikTok to prevent the bill from passing, but it sounds like it just made the reps more committed to passing it.
This is very disappointing. What a crap post.
Aegis does as well. I haven’t looked at freeotp but the feature I liked about Aegis is there is no sync or recovery feature vulnerable to simjacking, like Authy was.
I wonder when they’ll improve the shit MFA they’ve got on their Sendgrid product… it was heavily tied to Authy.
What was brilliant about it?
Define “a lot”? Or better yet, sources?
Was the brand name SZZXYY?
A fellow Great Book of Grudges enthusiast! I too started writing mine early. I have not purchased anything Sony since they put rootkits on their CDs in 2005. Nothing. Fuck Sony. And anything Intuit makes for multiple reasons.
And I am absolutely passing The Great Book on to my kids. They know exactly why we don’t buy certain brands.
67% of statistics are made up
“Researchers say”
Researchers also say things they pulled out of their ass 90% of the time.
Source: I researched it
How do rambling blog articles full of terrible assumptions and analysis like this get posted? Is there an alternative technology community I could sub to that cares about quality content?
I had to give my head an actual shake - this can’t be a real comment. A normal, sentient human would not produce a sentence like this unironically.
The only explanation I can come up with is the OP is a first-year economics student.
Better late than never. But I’m pretty tired of all these people posting about how they’re leaving X now.
Thanks for supporting him and all the lies and insane demagogy up until the election. If you didn’t have an account on Truth Social, why did you still have one on X after he revealed himself so long ago?