My read into this is that Pine is so good it’s listed twice.
My read into this is that Pine is so good it’s listed twice.
$4.99 for the drive plus $399.00 s&h
I don’t think this is as stupid as it sounds. With some exceptions Democratic voters tend to punish their representatives for corruption, but republican voters never do
For 64gb? Did you mean tb or is there something unique about these drives?
If i understood the article correctly, real time means predicable and reliable, not necessarily fast. It’s common in medical devices, avionics, etc. So this is going to benefit embedded devices the most.
So they can charge subscriptions
Hotter panels don’t last as long too.
Now that thar is just dogtrination
Boycotts. Don’t go after the politicians directly, go after their constituents.
“When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions,”
So it’s not just me then. Good. Hopefully companies take note and that shit fucks right off.
It’s an existing sentence if it’s not non-exisent.
My disappointment is is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
No, it appears to be precisely as hackable as I thought.
Glue, apparently.
Sounds like rocket won’t be a good fit for you then.
I’m self hosting rocket and I never gave them a dime
Oh interesting.
The worm was dead. He’s an idiot that thinks ivermectin cures covid. Fucker got lucky and accidentally treated his at the time undiagnosed brainworms.
I feel like if someone came out with a car that respects your privacy and doesn’t pull shit like this they’d sell the hell out of it, but then again the average consumer seems willing to roll over and take it so here we are