Duck Duck Go, Brave and Vivaldi. I’m de-firefoxing.
Duck Duck Go, Brave and Vivaldi. I’m de-firefoxing.
A web extension isn’t going to be that much of a game changer for Firefox. Usage is down, new profile rate is down, concerning financials towards Firefox and this issue has been ongoing for sometime with ublock. This isn’t meant to diss ublock though.
I don’t have much hope for Mozilla attracting more users to make userbase count impact. Hopefully overpaid execs proves my pessimism wrong about my favorite browser.
How? If you would have said Chromium based era, then sure, possible. Internet Explorer for 64 bit was officially retired June 15, 2022 and permanently disabled through an Edge update.
Online trends I saw on the internet was the reason I hopped around multiple terminals. Use case for me it made no difference.
There’s 4 other terminals I did enjoy using but xterm became my go to after I got tired of hopping around.
Xterm for me. As others have shown there are other ones that are newer than that but Xterm has become my favorite.
If your a chess fan, Scid vs PC is regularly updated and it’s hosted on sourceforge. However I don’t go there unless it’s for that or other related projects.
Dust0741 my apologies. As others rightly pointed out I didn’t answer appropriately and deleted the postt… You won’t be able to get the latest kde on Debian. You could look at Sid or Testing but I don’t know if they ship that. I dont use Sid or Testing so I couldn’t help you if they do.
Awesome was always my favorite window manager.
For me it’s the ability to use my hardware as long as I want after a tech company’s EOL. When I was on Windows 7 and it reached EOL my machine was unusable. Couldn’t go back because I waited to long. Then I updated my machine and Windows 10’s EOL was set and again, machine will be not be safe to use. I switched to Linux before that release date but the way Microsoft does with these EOL dates, for me isn’t sustainable. I dont need to buy a new machine every few years. I want my machines to be a usable and secure for as long as I want it to with minimal impact to my finances and stop simply just throwing old machines away. And if I run into a distro that my machine isn’t beefy enough for, I have distro-hopped around enough to be able to go to something else but still be in the Linux-verse.
The stuff like, better for privacy, open source etc., those benefits came after.
3/4 years. Experience has been good.