The point is not to curry favour with voters. It’s purposely kneecapping government functions. Kicking out the competent workers, to install loyalists.
The point is not to curry favour with voters. It’s purposely kneecapping government functions. Kicking out the competent workers, to install loyalists.
Yes, I agree. I popped over to take a look and there was only one post, for the two that most appeal to me. Not very inviting for subscribers.
And 5 days tacked on to my annual subscription for not having access to my games that I’ve paid for and paid a subscription for is bullshit.
Subscribers should be offered a refund. If Sony choose to only package in monthly increments, that’s on them. Their service obligation was not honoured.
If you think it’s reasonable, that’s great for you. If I think it’s not, I can express that too and demand more. My stance is more likely to lead to better future performance for all gamers. Yours is likely to lead to perverse incentive of further shoddy service as errors effectively cost them nothing.
My stance is also a legal minimum requirement for many countries, I’d imagine.
It is a service that is used to gatekeep features from users at elevated prices. There is an expectation of reliability when being rorted.
5x the outage time doesn’t return the lost time for the gamers that made plans to play at that time. The 5 days I can use the service may not suit them.
If I buy a wedding cake and it doesn’t show up, giving my 5 wedding cakes a year later is useless to me.
Subscribers are not paying to play at all-times. Sony is using time to gatekeep when they can play on subscription. They failed to uphold their end. They don’t sell 5 day subscriptions. they sell monthly subscriptions. If they can’t honour it. Refund it.
They don’t want to refund it as it would cost them too much. I’m proposing a way that wouldn’t cost them so much, would actually be of benefit to gamers and might work as an trial/advertisement for their services that people don’t use.
5 free days is nothing. Many people purchase a year in advance. I’d expect more. A free month for top tier or a free upgrade to the next level for a month for lower tiers.
Ok, we’ll let’s keep the plane analogy. If they could run on 50% less fuel, would you invest in airline fuel companies, thinking they will be having bumper sales figures?
Yes, but if they already have lots of planes, they don’t need to keep buying more planes. Especially if their current planes can now run for longer.
AI is not going away but it will require less computing power and less capital investment. Not entirely unexpected as a trend, but this was a rapid jump that will catch some off guard. So capital will be reallocated.
Yes, there are, but minimal physical assets. That’s the point. They likely aren’t even enough to pay employees.
I think you’re missing the point. There are no physical assets. There is users and engagement. That can be used to push a narrative or to sell advertising. As users leave, neither works and there is nothing to sell.
I think it’s a valid point that the concern being raised about tik tok is just as valid with other apps, both from Facebook or Twitter etc and from overseas apps. People are happily giving up their data and don’t see a distinction in how it is being used for disinformation by different state actors. It’s all misinformation.
People are apathetic to the risk, but also don’t see the risk for foreign government snooping as significantly higher than internal snooping.
I can’t help you. I don’t work.
I don’t consent to that charge.
Oh, it’s one of our rules.
Too bad so sad, no contract.
No, I didn’t as it’s not really a post about that, but I think ubinis the way forward.
No, I’m not saying artist money is any more immoral than any other purchase. I’m also saying artists should not depend on donations only. I also did not say I exclusively pirate. Don’t put words in my mouth.
I’m saying the current system is broken. Replacing it with tips is not the solution. Transport and creative industries will see huge lay offs in the coming years. We need to decide as a society what we value. Is it creating art and pleasure or lines going up on company spreadsheets. Free spread of ideas and art is an ideology. The only reason not to allow it is to profit. Those profits don’t go to most artists.
No, but that’s the case with or without piracy. Artists and devs shouldn’t rely on goodwill. That’s just expanding the tips system which is already awful.
No, but saying to participate and that purchasing software is inherently moral is also fallacious.
Developers, musicians, creatives, actors etc all need to be paid to live in society. However, the current system rewards the lucky few and large corporations as well as the non creative side of media and software creation.
I think employment is based on those seeking work. So if you take time off, you wouldn’t be counted. It’s a balance in the market that stops wage rises and inflation when there is unemployment. It’s obviously not desirable for the individual.
Scientific papers
Parasitic more like.
It depends on whether they can control the military. If so, they need them for when people don’t comply. However, the military has many, many people, so it comes down to having to buy compliance against the national interest which can be more expensive.