The newer watches can last up to 2 days I think at least my Samsung ones did I would assume apple is about par
The newer watches can last up to 2 days I think at least my Samsung ones did I would assume apple is about par
It’s not that bad really it’s actually fairly easy people have been doing it for awhile for overclocking
Tbh I put a monoblock with k5 and under volted my cpu and the fan barely even runs now
Theoretically with enough data it could predict exactly what is going to happen do we have enough data currently to do that probably not but weather isn’t just completely random we just don’t understand it enough yet
The steam deck does
That’s why I like arc it links to what it gives you info from
I use zerotier personally
Most states it is completely legal
I’ve ran basically your exact setup for years now with no issues have a mini pc with dual nic running opnsense a eap640( I think can’t remember off top my head ) and a tplink switch with minimal issues have to restart the ap once in a while and restart my mini pc but that’s due to a failing nic I’m pretty sure
I may be wrong here but the tp link issues were in the more consumer based hardware and not the eap and switch
Newer WiFi 6 routers tend to have fans cause they get fairly warm but I’ve had a ups on mine for literally years and had to replace the battery in it once but before I got one even I still never had that problem we haven’t had a power outage in like a year or 2 now and I maybe happens once a year if it does so I don’t see your problem and I have it set to auto turn back on when it gets ac power so it’s a non issue
Ermmm router have fans mini pc actually doesn’t( at least mine mines fanless) routers also fail to boot but also that not a giant issue either way cause who’s turning on and off their router and any significant interval I have run time of 6 months before mines restarted and that’s due to software updates otherwise it would push a whole year
Why does it matter ”what its designed for” a router is no better at it then a computer with 10x the brains you can route 10gig through them if you have the nics for it large company use pfsense and the like
Have you tried antimicrox I don’t have experience with that mouse in particular but it has worked for other mice
It’s literally a toggle in the settings under apple intelligence
The second consumer ready meshtastic device no exposed pcb basically from what I understand like the tEcho
Lol I know people with a well and they never even knew they had a well they never had to touch it and never thought about it was the funniest shit when their pump went out and were confused why they didn’t have water
If you want it done simply for relatively low cost ~$40usd/year Stremio + torrentio + realdebrid is what I use and it’s fast simple and works on basically anything although with the debrid you can only have one simultaneous stream if you were to use it on multiple devices You can skip the debrid if you choose to use a vpn instead unless you are in a country that doesn’t care
Nixos and mynixos website helps you create your config if you don’t know how or don’t want to
I mean my hands do sometimes get tingly but I just move this is just lazy