Did you manage to find time for the testing the Kinvoca controllers? Still keen to know if it work with the deck
Did you manage to find time for the testing the Kinvoca controllers? Still keen to know if it work with the deck
I think steamOS now has a toggle for combing as one for the first party controller, see here
I am interested to see if this is available for third party. Well, as long as a pair can be used as one it is great. Third parties’ have better grip and they allow better posture when gaming
cd ~; touch woman
Can’t touch woman anywhere
Why would anyone even use chrome? At least use brave that blocks all the scam ads. Better to use Firefox for sure
Do you have an example of a generalise makefile that does that? Or does it need to be customise per configuration?
New Hat Linux
if you have a usb-c to display port, give that a try without a dock usb-c hub -> usb-c display port only work on high end hubs (i have an alogic right in front of me now that works)
Mine was like that with HDMI cable until I have my hands on the usb-c to mini-display cable
Only three options for now:
So all should be showing all from my understanding
Perhaps that best idea to mess with reddit
Thank you very much for doing the test for all of us. It is good to know that Kinvoc may not be work, at least not right out of the box without any tinkering.
I guess the safe bet would be office joycon + egress grip case then for my case