They didn’t say AI produces low value art. They said AI doesn’t produce art at all.
They didn’t say AI produces low value art. They said AI doesn’t produce art at all.
I think there’s an argument about art being the emotions it invokes in the viewer rather than the creator. Humans can find art in natural phenomena, which also has no feelings or backstory involved.
I’m not really defending AI slop here, just disagreeing with your definition of art and the relation to the creator rather than the viewer.
Agreed on the emotional intelligence approach. I’m tired of democrats thinking logic and facts will just sway everyone and then being all high and mighty when that doesn’t work on some people.
The whole thing with Trump being weird was an excellent attempt at actually messaging in a way that resonates with people. There’s a reason ads for stuff like cars and medicine focus more on happy experiences and not on what the product actually is.
We need to be building a brand identity, shaping how people feel about us and focusing less on the raw facts and logic. It doesn’t work on seemingly most Americans, continuing to use it despite the lack of results really makes me question whether we really are controlled opposition.
Yep. I think there’s a huge amount of left leaning online people in denial.
They keep thinking that they just need to tell people about all these issues and then obviously those people will see it as wrong. Nope, a huge number of their fellow citizens are absolutely aware of this shit and actively approve of it.
Bringing ‘awareness’ is pointless if the people actually approve of this horrible stuff.
Modern farming is extremely reliant on gps and ‘smart’ planters, fertilizers, etc. Using tech to precisely control exactly how much seed, chemicals, etc is used can result in significantly less costs. My understanding is that Deere has bought out basically every company that has a decent implementation of this technology and is an effective monopoly on modern farming equipment.
You can move away from them, but expect your business costs to significantly increase as a result.
That isn’t sufficient for the people trying to pass these laws. They’re trying to get the government to enforce parental controls, not the parents. Those types of controls already essentially exist and yet they were deemed insufficient.
This is mostly because these people are not interested in protecting children, but rather shutting down anything they don’t like. The same way they tried to shut down abortion clinics by attempting to hold them to full blown hospital building standards. It wasn’t because it was unsafe, it was a way to harass the clinics they disapproved of.
I thought the same until someone shared some additional insights with me.
So basically for device verification to work, you have to prove to someone that you’re an adult, typically by linking your real ID. The problem comes from when you log in to a porn website and they try to determine you’re an adult by reaching out to that trusted 3rd party. Now even though the porn site doesn’t know who you are, only that you’re an adult, the ‘trusted verifier’ does know that you’ve visited the porn website. This makes that organization a huge security risk as it directly links your identity to visiting controversial websites.
Who would you really trust with that info? Corporation or government, both have major risks to collecting that info. What happens when FL bans porn and starts targeting people they know have accessed it via this database? What happens when LGBT info is labeled ‘adult only’ and requires this tech to access, creating a database of potential ‘undesirables’?
Once it’s created it’s absolutely positive that the data will be hacked and that the government will use this mechanism to target at risk groups.
The difference between this and in person ID checks is one of data persistence. Bars and such things just look at your ID, but don’t typically log it in a database. Compiling a persistent database of every ‘adults only’ only action is just too risky.
Will this just become obsolete the next time they update usb c to support something new? A tester that goes out of date as quickly as the cables it’s testing feels pretty pointless to me
Feels like the entire world is going backwards and yet at the same time the majority of people don’t want that. Which just tells you how much power truly is in the hands of the few.
Feels a bit like a cheater letting their spouse be abusive to them because they feel so guilty for cheating. Germany fucked up so they’re going to let the victim do whatever, even if what the victim is doing is wrong.
Yep cyberpunk still perpetuates the idea that corporations are highly competent and innovators, which just doesn’t seem to be true in our current reality. The MBA/financial people have taken over and people that actually want to make cool stuff are no longer in control
The recent trifold phone prototype by some Chinese company was the only version that interested me. It actually expanded to true tablet size and the proportions and thickness while folded matched the standard phone proportions. That actually felt useful and I could get rid of my tablet, so I wouldn’t mind the extra cost too much. The big issue obviously would be if it could have decent battery life, which I assume will be its critical flaw.
That’s the next executive’s problem. These executives will jump ship with their golden parachutes before any of that affects them.
There’s usually a hardware level power off function for when the device freezes and stuff. Can usually hold the power button for ~10 seconds will power off the device without needing to look at the screen
It was crazy taxi and no other game could use the mechanic. And telling you where to go is pretty darn important to a lot of games
Discord is great as chat program. It should’ve only ever been used for that. It completely sucks as forum replacement. Discord should’ve had very little value to any decent organization.
Every single small game I play has effectively the entirety of their support, community and forums run through discord. Instead of easy to search and discover forums, I have to use crappy infinite chat logs. It sucks.
And you can absolutely trust that tons of executives will definitely not understand this distinction and will use AI even in areas where it’s actively harmful.
Agreed. I keep waffling on my feelings about it. It definitely doesn’t feel like our laws properly handle the scale that LLMs can take advantage of ‘fair use’. It also feels like yet another way to centralize and consolidate wealth, this time not money, but rather art and literary wealth in the hands of a few.
I already see artists that used to get commissions now replaced by endless AI pictures generated via a Lora specifically aping their style. If it was a human copying you, they’d still be limited by the amount they could produce. But an AI can spit out millions of images all in the style you perfected. Which feels wrong.
If only that were true. That is at least a rational response that can be worked around.
But COVID told us just how many conservatives will laugh on their death bed if they’ve been convinced that what’s happening to them ‘owns the libs’.
It’s a cult and so reality is whatever the cult leaders say it is, even if that reality is harming them directly.