Glad to see improvements like this on the software level, but it seems unlikely to be utilized much. Any game that runs on low power probably can reach 60fps. 6% battery saved does not seem like a great trade-off for halved frame rate.
Glad to see improvements like this on the software level, but it seems unlikely to be utilized much. Any game that runs on low power probably can reach 60fps. 6% battery saved does not seem like a great trade-off for halved frame rate.
Explain that to the average car buyer who sees the lower number and rules it out.
Sometimes I forget the Steam Deck has a touch screen. I definitely wouldn’t want to support the Deck one handed for more than a few minutes.
Maybe I don’t play long enough sessions for this to be a concern, but I just…hold the Steam Deck. Elbows on the couch is a pretty solid mount lol.
This is the second plug-in I’ve read about in the last two weeks that causes major system crashes on the Steam Deck. Why are these little add on tools breaking the whole OS? That’s nuts.
Hype: The Time Quest, a 90s PC game by Playmobil that was a formative part of my childhood. Surprisingly dark story for baby’s first 3D action adventure game. Took quite a bit of work to get it running on Steam Deck, but I’m about 3/4 through it. Starting to lose my patience with the awful fucking tank controls, though. Tried to modernize them a little with Steam Input, but the platforming is killing me.
I’m planning on checking out the Wario Land series myself soon. Recently got a cheap retro handheld and that’s on my list for sure.
That’s the feature I’m hoping for. Maybe I’m misunderstanding how the constant record feature works, but I really only want to keep maybe the last 5-10 minutes in temp storage, but it’s holding way longer than that for me.
Psychonauts 2. Was a huge fan of the original on PS2 and I can’t believe it’s taken me years to try the sequel. The animation, level design, and writing are all at the level of quality and creativity that I wanted to see videogames progress to some day when I was a kid. This is a playable DreamWorks film.
Ooh, I want an 8bitdo Steam controller.
Doesn’t matter. If your PC is ever compromised, that feature is a one stop shop for stealing everything you have ever done on your computer.
How long until the majority of the Internet is inaccessible to non-Chromium browsers because the pages “don’t support them”?
This is Microsoft, an American corporation, actively developing the things the Internet spazzes out about China probably doing. How happy this makes China? Buddy, imagine how happy this makes every marketing company in the world, your local police department, and your own government, all of which have a much more vested interest in everything you do on your computer and are considerably more of a threat to you than the ruling party of a country on the other side of the planet. Seriously, y’all need to get your fucking priorities in order. It’s borderline satire how fast your average Lemmy user slaps the China Panic button as soon as a privacy-related issue hits their front page.
Steam is already the biggest fish by far in the digital games market for PC. Only reason for them to do this is if they’re worried about losing that dominance. Basically, is Epic keeping them up at night enough to warrant a major push into a new hardware loss leader?
Don’t need qualified immunity if there are no cops left.
Considering every Fallout game from the last two decades made top 20, I’d say yeah it’s probably the show lol.
There should be no reason not to transcode onboard, right? Modern mobile devices could probably process video no problem and then the upload would be smaller and quicker than sending the original. Only issue might be long videos, but I think there’s a case to be made that these types of platforms should have a firm duration cap of only a few minutes tops.
Need a fork of an app that replaces a Google app to get a fork of an app that replaces another Google app.
This is one of those ideas I’d love to agree with, but I know the reality of the situation would mean negative consequences for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, just like how current ID systems are now.
Incredible. Their “AI” is just a bunch of people watching cameras in India.
Seconding this. Excellent game. Would love to see the devs return to this style in their next title.