Quite unusual, was it pure? As far as I know they always mix it with other nasty stuff beig it an excellent polar solvent
Quite unusual, was it pure? As far as I know they always mix it with other nasty stuff beig it an excellent polar solvent
If only there was a solution, I don’t know, a cable resistent to jamming the ether, something we could call ether-jamming-resistant-network, in short Ethernet
I know… I am just dreaming :-P
This is the only comment that I read so far that goes a bit deeper than: landlord bad let’s remove them
Thank you
Qaddafi was murdered because he refused to sell Hydrocarbons to west powers, especially France, if he did he would still be alive
Indeed in Cuba they closed the border with us to stop immigration of us citizens going there to exploit the free housing…
Oh wait it was Cubans going to US, sorry I had it the wrong way
Oh yes, that’s definitely how I also feel about them
Not disagreeing, but you are describing almost every company or corporation above a certain size
Very useful rules, I see… impossible to bypass :-)