In Germany milk usually is sold in a carton or a glass bottle. I can imagine it is annoying for you.
In Germany milk usually is sold in a carton or a glass bottle. I can imagine it is annoying for you.
I only buy one of those plastic bottles every two months, so that’s okay for me. The good water comes from the tap, cola or other drinks I buy in glass bottles.
I do not find any option for push notifications, the app also is not trying to register using microg. I am not sure why it is supposed to give push notifications tbh.
I just switched some weeks ago from Flym. Flym was my alltime favourite RSS reader, but it is not developed anymore. Read You comes closest to Flym’s minimal design and slowly I am getting used to it.
You can derive them from footprint, height and basic roof type
As a kid I always wished I could play video games in my home town. Imagine games like GTA in your neighborhood. Of course we are far away from that, but it is a great idea to dynamically generate environments based on available geo data. I can also imagine this can motivate people in mapping. Gamification is a strong vehicle, look at apps like StreetComplete that have gotten really popular in a short time and play around with badges and levels etc. thanks for sharing!
That community is wild, but the discussion over Gaza over there is fucking crazy. Al Jazeera is one of their more credible sources, you can find articles from websites nobody every heard of, small blogs that state IDF soldiers are eating babies. And that is no exaggeration, that was the last thing I read before I left that community…
You shall be blessed stranger
Please update the post with the facts from the data sheet OP
I use Track & Graph from F-Droid for tracking the amount of workouts and my weight. It’s not really specific to fitness or health, but I use for its support for exporting to CSV.
Absolutely understandable. Maybe there is some easy tool around, but I see some potential problems.
Questions such as “Is this zone habitable in 2035” or “Will this area be ocean in 2050” are extremely hard to answer with our current knowledge and available data. As you probably know, climate scientists speak of probabilities, as projections e.g.for temperature are highly uncertain, especially in the more far away future. If there is a tool answering such questions, you probably can’t trust it. Then, you will likely not get a one does it all tool, as the questions OP asked are highly specific. All in all the matter is very complex and there are no easy answer. You need some kind of motivation to gather a certain amount of background knowledge about the topic.
I think what comes closest to what OP wants is downloading model results from largely accepted climate models such as CMIP6. They usually come in special file formats that can efficiently store geospatial time series, such as netCDF or HDF5. There are tools like Panoply where you can do some very nice visualisations. You do not need to code neither is the software very complex. QGIS and ArcGIS are overkill here, as you would not want to do spatial analysis but only visualize.
The work you would need to do is 1) understanding what you want - there is not a single result, instead you have climate projections under several different scenarios, model assumptions, input data etc. You need to figure out what to choose. 2) Have a decent feeling of geospatial visualization techniques. Cartography is a complex field, and correctly visualizing data is pretty hard.
I am sorry I cannot provide easy solution. WhatI can offer is helping to acquire data if you what you want and also I can give technical support on visualization software. Maybe also give you some guidelines on how to interpret a figure.
What I found is the term löffelrein, a wonderful German word meaning something like “as clean as possible when using a spoon” for joghurt for example.
I usually bring my trash down before it get’s nasty. Our “bio trash” is more of a problem, as anything biodegradable gets into it which attracts fruit flys. Rinsing plastics is still just a waste of water (and time).
At least in Germany that step is not necessary as far as I know.
Using it for almost 3 years now, it’s great. Together with K9-Mail ofc!
I am not sure if you are being cynical tbh. I was reacting to a comment stating it’s weird your employer plays a role in health insurance in US, my point was he does in Germany too.
Of course our social system is totally different. The tax payer will usually cover your insurance in case you lose your job. Coverage levels are not a thing, everybody has more or less the same level which is rather high compared to other countries. However there is private insurance for high earners and state employees that do not pay into the public fund, meaning we do have a two class system which is pretty unfair.
In Germany your employer usually needs to pay 50% of your health insurance, given you work over a certain hour per week threshold. I mean in the end it’s by convention and as employee you do not profit as a higher wage would be preferable. Historically grown, but not solely a US thing (even if not really comparable).
No but many of them. Play Services gets more and more functions that used to be part of the Android operating system. Some very basic functionalities are assisted GPS or Push notifications.
IG shopping malls haven’t changed very much in 20 years