Which does not bode well for her ability to succeed as an independent adult.
It’s not about being a dick because you think she’s making a mistake, it’s about both pointing out that fact of her avoiding confrontation, and helping her develop the skills for success. If she is not willing to work with him on that, then it’s a pretty unfortunate indicator of how this will all likely play out in the long run.
In other words, Wolf will become her new daddy.
Little Sis,
Since you want to act like an adult and live on your own, I’m glad to help. First step is you clean up your own messes. I will not be your middleman, not because I don’t love you, but because it is not helping you.
If you want to talk about all this, and how best to talk to them, I’m here for you. And please be careful, a lot of people who have done similar things at your age have later regretted it.
Love you, talk to you soon.
More likely salvaged as part of a permanent moon base.
Stupid bitch would be advocating for ebola parties if there was a vaccine for it.
Ill give you some more fast paced than the other recommendations. Games that really suck me in for hours zoned out.
Nova Drift helped me zone out for hours and is good on the steam deck. It’s an Asteroids style game. It’s just shoot up fun with more upgrades the longer you survive.
Crab Champions is a silly shooter with the same basic recipe. Survive, get upgrades. It’s silly though because you are a crab, fighting other crabs. It’s fun.
Comedy option - Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. Face your life frustrations head on and play a game designed to make you angry.
People want to be able to talk to each other without felling like they are being judged for posting something boring that “no one cares about”
It’s for small talk style basic human connection. I get it.
Fucking gross.
I would give up all the tech advances of the past 15 years if I could go back to the old internet.
The whims of a brain damaged man who did his own research.
Might as well hand the keys to a Facebook mom’s group
I do say old chap, this vexes me.
With proper rules and ethics guidelines sure. How do you think this administration will choose where the money goes and who to Enrich. Because that will be happening winners And? Losers.
I want to know what’s going on in the world.And that includes knowing what advertisers are pushing down our throats.Political ADS ads for products, things like that.How they’re going about it.
I care too much and it’s beginning a problem in my personal life
I been on the internet since the 90s. I want to know what people are seeing. A commercial here or there keeps me in the loop about what is being pushed.
1 hour unskippable ads tells me a lot about what is going on, unfortunately.
Same. I get the whole range. Usually it’s short but occasionally it’s an hour long.
Voice to text is hit or miss. When I’m lazy about fixing typos that’s WhAt HAAPenS
My conspiracy theory here is that the person tasked with implementing The new policy filters Was either pissed off and or lazy And just use the most obvious filter they could come up with
Class action lawsuits are a fucking scam for lawyers.
Make it a law that comes into effect in 2 years. Put them on notice.
Fractured internet here we come