I only go there for the free pencils and make my furniture out of the pencils. Checkmate
I only go there for the free pencils and make my furniture out of the pencils. Checkmate
You definitely shouldn’t be allowed to hide it like that, no. Unfortunately, they can (Dutch source).
The nutritional information does however state that there’s sugar. Even though the ingredient list does not.
Added sugar, that is. A lot of tea bags contain ‘aroma’, according to the ingredient list. However, this ‘aroma’ can be 60-70% sugar.
I can’t really find a source for it, but I remember the EU banning plastic in tea bags quite recently, a few years ago at most. Here in the Netherlands, a lot of tea bags contain(ed) plastic as some kind of sealant.
Also, a lot of tea contains sugar, for no good reason whatsoever.
They could call it a Steam Machine! Sales will be massive
The effect of ads is usually not directly linked to a specific product.
If, for example, you need a new box of laundry detergent, you’ll go to the supermarket. There you might find brand A, which you’ve never heard of, or brand B, which had an ad you’ve seen or heard somewhere. Studies have shown you’ll be more likely to buy brand B, because you’ll find it more trustworthy, which is because you’ve heard about it somewhere.
So, a lot of ads aren’t solely about a specific product, but also about making their brand perform better in the long run. Therefore, even if an ad is just making noise on the background, it may still have an effect on you. And, since it’s a subliminal process, it’s extremely difficult to make a concious decision to not buy products you’ve seen or heard ads of.