that’s one elementary student arrested every one week? I would not send my kids to school there, my mind would crack if someone locked my kid up like that.
that’s one elementary student arrested every one week? I would not send my kids to school there, my mind would crack if someone locked my kid up like that.
scarcity and the mind
I always uninstall nano the first time it shows itself
server serves a protocol on a port. I would rather it not include logic like that. turn off the http port of you don’t want to serve http.
in a registry though? maybe the registry in windows is so hard to work with and automate that it is the reason that Linux took all of windows market share for computers that do work (everything but desktops)
a dev can build a thing, an engineer can build a distributed modular thing with more complexity around non programming parts like infrastructure. Take the thing and design a machine of parts and each can be maintained, observed, and optimized as needed. For example we can use topics for backpressure and consumer lag for auto scaling pods, but then you have to consider the distributed processing for duplication, out of order, throughput… there is no exact line in the sand between dev and engineer but that’s how I think of it.
this made my heart rate go up a little bit in a way that doesn’t feel good
lots of tutorials in different languages, a base project that you start to rewrite over and over forever whenever you aren’t motivated to do something else. write scripts to start new projects with a readme, git, a logger, and a unit test or two. You should be able to run a command to have a new working project ready to test any new library or idea. don’t be afraid to write code and not use it. writing is the point itself.
here I go getting rage baited into feeling ragey again
SQL scouts credo: I will never use indexes, I will always use column names.
yes please
thanks for the links and info. I use brave as well as firefox and other browsers depending on what device I’m using. The spyware link is worth a quick read to understand any risks. It’s great to see some analysis done there. I actually feel a little better about brave now, I’m ok with those risks for most cases and brave blocks ads better for me than what I’ve seen in other browsers. I’m always willing to switch though, I have no loyalty to any browser.
is he putting oompa loompa sauce on his burgers?
disk is cheap and it’s easier to test exact versions of dependencies. As a user I’d rather not have all my non OS stuff mixed up.
tech Jesus built my hotrod! seriously though, I watched tons of GN while building my last desktop. Check the thermals, shit is heating up!
so glad to see this, I just got a steam deck this week and tales of majeyal is my all time favorite game ever. I’ve played for years and beat it once, my greatest achievement
unfortunately I wondered the same thing. twobuttonsmeme.jpg