This is what Kristi Noem, a racist sociopathic puppy murderer who lies easy as breathing, says is the advantage. Beyond the fact that she made mouth noises that sounded like those words there is no informational value to be found in any of her statements.
Yeah, you can tell the Democratic party is a far superior organization if only because they have a few people in it who were willing to call out Biden and Harris’s support for genocide, where meanwhile the whole Republican party will support Trump no matter what he says or does
Yeah, Trump and Biden and Harris all want the same thing for Gaza, but Trump sure is a whole lot less subtle about it
“If we do absolutely nothing ever to hold Republican lawbreakers accountable the voters will respect us for it.” - the Democratic party actually
It gets even worse, the federal government now only accepts applications for asylum through a mobile app
Do you think the department of education writes the textbooks, standardized tests (SAT, ACT, etc.), grading and student management software, learning management systems (Google Classroom, Canvas), or manufactures its own classroom tech (Chromebooks, tablets)?
Each one of those has a bunch of particular nuances, but in general - yeah, I think they could and should in a lot of those cases
The education system is full of for-profit businesses that can jack up the prices, and they do.
Yeah, it’s a big problem with a lot of little parts to be tackled
The DOE simply doesn’t have the resources to create these things themselves
Then government should give them the resources (actually, I think a whole separate agency that develops open source software for any government agency or anyone else who wants to use them should be established, but that’s kind of besides the point).
and would cost them far more if they tried
I don’t think that’s true, and even if it were I think we should be willing to pay premium to make sure essential systems that support the public good are being administered in democratic ways (e.g. by public agencies that are required to give public reports to elected lawmakers and be subject to citizens’ FOIA requests).
the business model has existed forever
A lot of stupid ideas hang on for a really long time. Like, we still have monarchies in the 21st century world.
Personally, I’m more concerned with the use of Google products in schools. A company that’s sole business is harvesting user data and selling it to advertisers should have no place in schools or children’s products. But they’ve embedded themselves into everything so people just accept it at the cost of privacy
I 100% agree this is a significant problem too, I just haven’t come across any good articles about it recently
They tried to do a themed Among Us game, but when they removed the ability of crewmates to criticize each others’ votes it just made the imposters win every round
e; That was a joke (probably should be obvious, but I’m not trying to spread disinformation out here)
Exactly, they’re a captive audience, and moreover they are legally incompetent to consent to a contracted business relationship like this
If this was a department of education AI or even some kind of transparently administered non-profit organization I’d be fine with this, but the fact that this is being developed for some for profit company that can just jack their rates and cut off public schools whenever they want to is bullshit. Like, I’m not opposed to the technology of LLMs at all, I think they’re actually pretty neat, but our social and economic systems have a lot of exploitative trash in them that cool technologies can inadvertently exacerbate.
I didn’t realize the anti-immigrant sentiment had gotten to this level in so much of the population
I think the causation is backwards here, a lot of low engagement voters just assume that the best policies are somewhere to the left of whatever the GOP wants and to right of whatever the Dems are pushing for, but they keep thinking that even as the Dems move to the right.
Dems were thinking if independents saw that they’d respect the Dems willingness to compromise or whatever, but Indies saw that and just decided “Oh, I guess immigration really is a problem like the Republicans were saying all along, even the Democratic party thinks we need a border wall now.”
e; an attempt at better phrasing
Survey methodology is described in detail here - (archived at
Disagree, people spend money with the intention of influencing the outcome of elections all the time, that’s all campaign ads and canvasses and phone banks and etc. are
And they’re not paying people to vote - they’re paying people to make a plan to vote (and make an apology and send a tweet, but I think those are irrelevant), which is something that campaign volunteers talk about with potential voters all the time
Unfortunately the US Department of Justice says they agree because they are (yet again) bending over backwards to protect right wingers from being held accountable for their actions to harm our country
The sad part is this is how people in the DNC must actually think to give these assholes speaking time at their convention when the only commendable thing they ever did was admit to making a mistake most Americans were smart enough to not make in the first place
deleted by creator
Yeah, I’m not a Texan but I also disagree about this. Also, Austin has produced some amazing music over the years (for example, random Austin band I’ve been in love with recently is Being Dead).
“To cancel your subscription, please send a signed and notarized Original Petition for Divorce that has been filed with the Family Division of the District Court of the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station where we are incorporated.”
The fact that the commissioner has this power in the first place and that they even have to ask is ridiculous to me, it’s like “Camp Crystal Lake residents suggest disarming Voorhees’ artillery”
“If we aren’t promoting the most skilled people in our society, how am I supposed to figure out where to invest all this money I inherited?”
When pressed about what it would take for him to endorse the Vice President, Sanders emphasized the importance of the upcoming campaign, highlighting critical issues such as climate change and economic rights. “We have to make sure that we elect the Vice President.”
[Bolding added]
I’d have to listen to it in context, but that sounds and awful lot like and endorsement for all intents and purposes
They already routinely pretend that anyone who crosses a border is a criminal in their rhetoric and will find a random bullshit misdemeanor something in 99/100 cases where they want to, but, yeah, this would give them another way to do that. I struggled a bit with laughing at this one because there is a real sinister intent here (thank you for highlighting it btw), but it is also just such smooth brained fascist behavior that I couldn’t help myself.