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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • What we need is techno-realism. Technology in an oppressive economic/political system will be used to achieve oppressive goals. So it’s the system that needs to be looked at, not just tech in isolation. And we should really be moving to an approach where we don’t adopt new tech unless it’s proven safe (not perfectly safe, but tolerably safe). And similarly, externalities need to be understood before mass adoption is enabled (e.g., massive power usage by shitcoins and LLMs).

  • more rubber to make the ride softer

    That’s one of the least important contributions to ride softness.

    It would make for an amazing driving experience

    Going forward and stopping are the easiest parts of a vehicle’s driving experience to implement. Now try getting them to corner well-- that’s more challenging. And nobody needs 3-second 0-to-60 times in normal driving conditions.

    Not to mention you would be saving lives in the case of an accident.

    You’d be improving the odds for those inside the vehicle at the expense of other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The environmental impact of manufacture is also directly proportional to vehicle mass.

    Anyway, too much of your analysis is based on the current poor energy density of batteries, which has good potential for improvement in the coming years. SUV-sized EVs are an entry point in the market, but regulators should be providing incentives for manufacturers to shrink them instead of staying with the present unsatisfactorily large size, which is not a positive feature, any more than it is for gasoline-powered SUVs.

  • Coke using people tend to get on my nerves

    Coke use increases aggression and paranoia. My baseline behavioral profile is laid-back and slightly goofy. On coke, I’m a raging, sarcastic, borderline-violent dickhead. Luckily, I had enough self-awareness and self-discipline to walk away from it.

    My own experience with K users is much less positive than yours. I won’t even let them in my house, and it saddens me to see how wilted and lifeless they become after habitual use. It might possibly have some value in a controlled clinical setting, but as a recreational drug, it’s shite.