“government doesn’t work!!”
/proceeds to cripple any/all functionality of gov
“See?! I told ya it doesn’t work” 🥴
“government doesn’t work!!”
/proceeds to cripple any/all functionality of gov
“See?! I told ya it doesn’t work” 🥴
They know nobody will hold them accountable. It’s been proven ad nauseam
What improvements do you like? Maybe there’s something I’m overlooking. I also agree on size, i really didn’t want anything larger than the 4a and the 8 was the closest i could find.
I had a couple 4a and now have an 8. Don’t bother – I’m convinced there are better phones for the $. Not to mention better companies to buy from, after this shit show
Why do that when they can finally force people off their halfway-decent hardware in favor of their latest crap? I had a 4a and liked it, worked fine for my purposes. When it crapped out i just got another 4a. Eventually the newer one started boot-looping intermittently and i decided it was time to upgrade to something more “modern”. After spending way too much time researching the current options and cornering myself into options paralysis, i decided maybe the best choice was to “double” my pixel and jump from a 4 to an 8. I figured that many generations difference should provide for a notably better/faster experience. It didn’t. I liked the 4a just as much as my 8–only difference being some very small changes in options and menus. Performance-wise it’s not opening pages with blazing speed, the 5G doesn’t really seem to be any faster than the 4G i had been using on the Pixel 4a. Camera performance is a little better but nothing ground-breaking. I think it’s possible i get worse telephone performance, i occasionally get dropped/static-y calls and sometimes can’t call at all. Overall i was really disappointed to see my upgrade act more as a lateral move. I probably should have just gotten another 4a when my last one died. Of course, it would probably need a battery now, lol. Or have the boot-loop problem.
Welcome to the future, where the tech is cutting edge but built with the cheapest components possible 🙃
You just saved me some trouble, lol
New year, new price increases 👐
My takeaway as well! Canoo can go eat a dick, but Texas can go eat a huge dick
Ehhh that’s just trump change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Why pay for more Internet than you need to? Introducing MyPlan! Internet bills are getting out of control these days! And with tariff pricing looming in the near future, we understand how many folks need to curb their spending a bit to make ends meet. MyPlan only charges you for the Internet you use–and not for all that extra bandwidth you’re wasting month after month. Call one of our service representatives today!”
Ahhh yes, let’s all remember Martin Shkreli–famous for boosting the price of a life-saving drug called Daraprim 5,000% when he took charge of the company making it. The pills skyrocketed from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill.
100 name brand pills before the extreme price hike at $13.50/pill: $1,350
100 name brand pills today: $78984.50
They’re actually about $790/pill now – the prices never came back, and actually went further up!!!
I also noticed there’s a fun twist where you don’t pay as much for the drug if you’re 500% below the poverty line and meet some other criteria.
I always remember when i was young there was a presumption that the machines would eventually be able to handle all the labor, leaving people with more free time to pursue their interests. As the machines begin taking over the labor, it’s just leaving less and less people with a way to make a living ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Please let this be true 🤣
I have a friend whose wife is a nurse and she decided to work as a “travel nurse” because it was stupid not to–the pay was at least double her current pay, plus she was given a stipend for room/board/travel expenses. It was a fantastic deal for her and allowed them to save a bunch of money for a while.
Edit: i still think the situation was exceptionally shitty to those who stayed where they were. For “Essential” workers they sure aren’t treated like it
He can fake gaming kinda-sorta, he can fake admirers kinda-sorta… Why could he kinda-sorta fake programming skills?
He’s the ultimate fake
Maybe we can convince them using Alaska and Hawaii as examples… The states don’t have to be contiguous 😉
Considering i don’t plan on retiring, this is fine – i will leave as much debt as possible in my wake when i move onto the great gig in the sky 😇
Fucking seriously–i don’t know how many “Moes” exist but i finally managed to block them all…i think
It was a multifaceted day, to be sure 🥴
Would seem almost intentional given the size and success of the company. How do you fuck something like that up so badly? Seems like one of those Embrace, Extend, Extinguish deals or similar