Until AI owns stocks, the board will not be replaced with AI.
Until AI owns stocks, the board will not be replaced with AI.
Reddit is a piece of shit.
Who still uses Google products?!?
I hope it smoked a cigarette once it finished.
Well that’s fucked up
Please do this.
It seems inevitable that we’d have some duplicates by now… with 330 million people alive in the US today, and SSNs starting out in 1936, there’s no way everyone could have a unique number; especially with the consideration of the first 3 digits of the code correlating to place of residence at time of requesting a SSN.
Wow. “I bought shoes that you’re not meant to walk in, and now they’re damaged because I needed to walk.”
Not on this planet at all.
If anything, Venmo is a competitor of PayPal
Yes, just like how Coke is a competitor to Diet Coke and Sprite.
Well the Mayan thing wasn’t supposed to be Apocalyptic; it was supposed be a signal of a “new age.”
Has Universal dropped him yet?
Are you the only one that thinks this is good? Probably
A lot of them, sure. Not all of them.
Sure, whatever. We’re living in the clown timeline anyway.
Lmao, damn… I was done with them before this announcement but thanks for reinforcing my decision.
“Everybody is drunk, but hungry” is a great reason for food delivery.
https://chcoc.gov/sites/default/files/OPM Memo Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders.pdf
Download this. Save It. Spread it around.
Sure, but a bot initiating a trade is a whole lot different than a bot owning the stock.