Let’s hope that’s all he bombs, right?
Let’s hope that’s all he bombs, right?
Somewhat ironically, they understaffed the airport they all fly through, and yet somehow it was innocent civilians that died.
I detest this timeline. I am disgusted, really. I’ve never quite understood hate, though; to me hate feels like making a solemn vow that subject of my hate will always have power over me. Because hate is irrational. It overpowers reason. But it is only through reason and logic I find myself.
The catch 22 is fear. Fear also deprives is of reason, but it also shames us, lessens us. Just as Yoda taught us, “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
I don’t wanna suffer anymore. But I don’t want anyone else to suffer, either. Not even those responsible; I just want them gone from our timeline.
Yes? And if you fight fire with fire the whole world burns.
I do not blame you. I just happen to be the most stubborn idiot I know. shrug
Edit: I go back to my feed and see this:
Got a good chuckle at the bitter irony…
I fucking hate this timeline.
I keep seeing people say this. However, hate is what created this timeline. I don’t believe it’s what will get us into a new one.
I mean no offense towards you; I want you to know this. I guess I just finally realized what it is that bothers me about that statement. In fact, I share your sentiment. Because not only are they poorly made, common sense safety measures are removed and replaced with poorly engineered crap that traps people, while other badly designed components catch fire and burn them to death.
Right? Like, seriously, we all know somebody is just butthurt because their stock options tanked.
Oh, wait, I’m sorry! That was very unpatriotic of me, wasn’t it? I mean, we all know that winning an election guarantees being heavily rewarded with insider trading, right? It’s not like they’re there to represent constituents or anything; I mean, doesn’t everyone know we’re a republic, not a democracy?!
I agree it’s a powerful tool! I was specifically responding to “problem solved” in the previous comment. My reply was in no way meant as a general review of VPNs.
Not the magic bullet people think they are. Oh, and you can’t turn it off, so you’ll have to take the loss in network speed on absolutely everything. And better know how to configure each device so it doesn’t go ahead and check leak your IP anyways, which also restricts choice of devices you use. Cause remember, if any device on your network ever connects to the net without the VPN, then your anonymity just went out the window.
Nobody said that. Well, you did, I guess.
Unlike you, who sounds…not smart.
That’s not what private mode is for…? Private mode is for local privacy, like hiding your porn searches from anybody else who uses the same device. It won’t help at all for stopping external data collection - you want a VPN for that.
I always prefer [email protected]
Yeah, he’s fatter.
I vote they choke indefinitely. But not to death; I want them to die of old age, spending decade upon decade choking endlessly.
Are you…still crying?
The Democrats have their problems. And they are many. Yet oddly bear little to no resemblance to all the bull the Republicans accuse them of.
As for me, I know I have no friends in Washington. So I couldn’t possibly care any less about your pretty little list of bullshit from your previous comment…
Oh wow, cry harder. Only reason you hear about conservatives wanting to taste liberal tears is because they’re tied of the taste of their own.
Considering the recent policy change saying it’s ok to specifically accuse lgbtq+ of being mentally ill, no, it’s not just reports. Not a chance. This is by design.
What happens when you polish a turd?
Oh, yeah, you get that pandering word vomit of an “articulated” position.
Any American who thinks they have a hero in Washington has been had. As the great George Carlin said, “It’s a big club, but you ain’t in it.”
This poll is a sad and pathetic excuse for a farce.
Less than 500 polled, is you actually click all the way through to their fact sheets.
Please, people, stop posting this crap…
Is this benefit in the room with you right now?