ever heard of Microsoft?
ever heard of Microsoft?
what got regex to do with critical thinking?
how does he know that the solution is elegant and appropriate?
it’s a terrible world.
both have no clue.
Lieber Genosse, der Hype um Affirming Incompetence (AI) ist der dieser Zeit die höchste Ausdruck der Entfremdung der Menschen von sich selbst, Zeugnis des Begehrens nach und Voraussetzung also der weitergehenden Fetischisierung seines Zugriffs auf Welt. Wie jedoch Bernard Stiegler so schön bemerkte: Kein Savoir-vivre ohne Savoir-faire! Dies seien die unabdingbaren Bedingungen für die Befreiung der Menschheit aus den sich selbst angelegten Ketten zur Errichtung einer geschwisterlichen Ordnung!
(now have fun w/ an LLM’s attempt of “advancement”!)
you’re the ones with the supposedly most powerful military of the world.
look, i’m autistic and used to regularly behave violently against Nazis. on purpose and completely aware of what that meant.
i think haters make their cases regardless the facts and logic whatsoever.
for checking the wheather i actually use Windows.
the name is Altman.
trashes enough of our infrastructure somebody somewhere will actually figure out that it’s bad and get rid of it forever
thinking Neoliberlism.
you could interpret my post as pointing out that you elaborated a lot on your father’s participation in imperial power projection, but added nothing to the topic.
and you had wished he owned a Starlink beacon?
but people have been cooking, monitoring the sky and roamed the world for some ten thousand years now. what’s the innovation here?
Have you ever included the innovative tablets into you CAD work?
like socialism.
no, you can actually cut down grown biomass and process it to chemically stable biochar for soil improvement! for more potatoes for more fries! and a side of coleslaw.
but also because it isn’t practiced anymore. it’s always surprising what human beings are capable of.