Your name implies a bias toward the lack of value with regard to the well-being of the modern anus.
Mentally ill woman, adult, works for DIDDs (US).
I’m here to help!
Your name implies a bias toward the lack of value with regard to the well-being of the modern anus.
“Programmed to respond to over 700 questions, none of which include chicken fingers.” - Sergeant Vatred
I’ve been assured by several friends that they will happily eat my portion, as long as I participate in the hunt.
Which is the sort of community-based, inclusive solution I like best.
I’ve been singing this a lot lately.
Misread this as Concerned Ape and became… Concerned. And also mad I didn’t know there was a convention.
There’s a lot to be said about it but anyone with a brain will agree to this, and simply this;
Don’t qualify it. Don’t turn it into yet another stale argument that will invariably link some grifter’s asinine manifesto. Everyone from every side can agree that this is a good thing. Let it be enough.
Precisely! I feel like taking away our responsibility also takes away our agency. I hate when people have their agency restricted.
There’s a reason AA and NA and other peer recovery services make people take responsibility for what they’ve done, even if it was illness that “made” them do those things. Because having responsibility for what you’ve done is ultimately what frees you to have responsibility for the good that you can do. I love that for us, for all of humanity.
I didn’t read it as grumpy or defensive! One thing I miss about a more civilized age… people were allowed to “argue.” You could fight it out, have opinions, everyone could be right at the same time (and wrong, too) but the ability to converse seems to be lost.
We’re all made better by these things! Even if it seems to get heating. Being able to talk (and disagree!) Sharpens our understanding of our topics, helps us work through and solidify our feelings and opinions, and (assuming everyone is speaking in good faith, which is a big ask on the internet) we are all made better for it!
I said good deal because it is! I called you friend cuz we are! I said have a good day because I hope you do!
We part as friends! We aren’t enemies even if we may seem at odds. Take care of yourself. You’re a person who deserves happiness and kindness in life.
deleted by creator
Good deal! Have a great day!
I’m not going to get into my history here but I’ve spent years in and out of institutions. If you want to make the argument that this is schizoaffective disorder I won’t stop you, but I assure you that even if that is the case, we are still completely responsible for what we say, and I would argue even moreso because there is zero excuse for him not to be seeking care and treatment.
When grandma has dementia, and spits and bites, she is still responsible for the consequences of her actions. We will treat her with kindness and compassion and health care, but she isn’t absolved of her part in hurting someone. That is the notion I rebel against. You are still responsible for your racism. You are not given a consequence free card because of your illness. Advocating for a consequence free environment is why people can claim Kanye should be forgiven and should not be treated as an intelligent, thinking, feeling human being. I will not allow someone to say he should be. That is dehumanizing and ultimately the opposite of kindness.
I will reiterate that I agreed upon treatment as a necessity. I also believe he deserves a punch. Not a single illness out there makes you a nazi. Not one.
Reminds me of when Ambien said the same thing.
And the above poster who says they need treatment should read this. We are out here. We are mentally ill. Our mental illness, even at its most untreated, doesn’t make us fucking nazis so trying to be “kind” to nazis who happen to be mentally ill makes you an apologist.
Dude does need treatment. He also deserves a punch for the nazi bullshit. The one doesn’t absolve the other.
They never got Ethiopia.
Thank you, History of the World I guess!
I haven’t moved to Linux because I work in healthcare and do 12 hour shifts and do not have the time needed to-
The last one is the real pain. I’ll tell ya though, if I ever get to sit at my computer again I’ll learn how to unfuck it and I hope by then there’s some easy to access resources for learning a system!
This absolutely chaps my ass! I said I don’t want dairy! I love gluten goddammit! Why am I being lumped in with celiacs??
As a person who has learned 2 languages besides English, let me say the idea that you would go into a place where native speakers are discussing their own language and then tell them why they are wrong because non-native speakers wouldn’t see a problem with the usage of the word in their own language…?
Certainly gutsy, I’ll give you that. I can’t imagine the balls to tell people speaking their native language that I, a student of their language, am learned enough to educate them on the subtle nuance of the use of a word in various contexts, but you do you I guess.
Anecdotally, when I was a child and an ad for maxi pads came on TV showing that blue liquid, I had to listen to my father bitch about how there shouldn’t be ads for menstrual products because they’re “disgusting.” And he shouldn’t “have to think of that.”
…so it’s anecdotal only but I may have a theory about why…
Honestly, this would’ve gotten a date from me far better than a random dick pic. Solid advice.
The demon core doesn’t really scare me because at least everyone there knew about the potential for harm.