HP literally defines my hate of printers, this is hilarious.
HP literally defines my hate of printers, this is hilarious.
But they are though so???
I’m just switching back to Firefox given all the bullshit that’s coming in Chrome. Hopefully others follow suit and that number starts climbing back up.
Hyposprays are finally here!!!
It’s well on it’s way
Jail everyone
Yet another reason to avoid the middle east
See what happens when you don’t jail cunts that ignore congressional subpoenas?!?
Too fucking bad, I don’t feel comfortable with you existing.
Talk about misunderstanding your user base… The backlash will be tremendous. I’m considering banning Chrome at work because of the security risk of letting business people use the Internet without the protection of an ad blocker.
Key the vehicle and slash all the tires.
Lol, Andy ain’t gonna work for me
It’s this kind of shit that will ultimately motivate me to unionize.