I’ve been using kobo. The integration with pocket and Libby is the killer feature for me. Checking out library books right on the device? Game changer.
The 2xl was fantastic. I’m on the 6 now and I miss how light it was, but the higher refresh rate is nice.
I don’t even think the meme is about communism as much as it is just venting about how corps turned free-software into the panopticon it is today.
But Idc if Torvalds is a Marxist bc I’m not either, but marx wrote about how the proletariat should own stocks, so that isn’t even disqualifying tho.
And tbh I think most “marxists” just adopt that term because our political discourse is so corrupted that anyone who thinks that we shouldn’t curb-stomp an Amazon employee for wanting a bathroom break is treated like they’re Mao anyway.
Well I think it was successful for the same reason so many unicorn startups are. They were bankrolled by promising angel investors marketshare so they were able to run artificially brutally low prices to dry out the rest of the market for years. But now investors are asking for those profits back and we’re here dealing with horrible Airbnb prices AND it made the housing crisis worse. Double whammy, bb!!
True! Getting rid of these AirBnBs probably doesn’t hurt things though. Now they might actually get a long-term resident.
I had heard about that! Kinda nuts that America seems to just be universally doing the wrong thing about everything. We can’t have nice things here, ever bc the worst people just want things to be worse.
This started when we lost swappable batteries and it never stopped. Will never get over it either.
On a Windows machine absolutely. On MacOS, why not trust safari? The battery management for Safari is fantastic.
How much does he make? I don’t want to open the article