They believe experience = better. In some cases that can be correct like sales.
They believe experience = better. In some cases that can be correct like sales.
Heck yeah!
Ding ding ding.
Shit, you don’t need a robot for that! I can do that for free
I will get a sex robot when it can scoop catboxes and fold laundry.
I got your Donnie Darko reference.
ITT: Yes.
No, Because he watches daughter swapping porn.
Stop bringing your friends to your house immediately
Huh. There may be something to that.
Its fear of the unknown. These people know logically the flaws in windows but are afraid to experiment because they think Linux is hard or too much effort. It’s similar to (although not in the same severity of) the justification that abuse victims use to justify why they stay with an abuser. Feel bad for these folks and try to educate.
We should build a new service that does what okc used to do and then sell it to match for dollars. Repeat ad nauseum
I had a similar thing when I was asked to look into cloud costs. All of the numbers on the spreadsheet looked correct but the totals were slightly different. On inspection they were out to 4 or 5 decimal places. Which led to another discussion “How do we charge a Cost center for $0.0003?” Fortunately that wasn’t my problem to fix
Its complex pattern matching and looking up existing case law online. This work has been outsourced to contracting companies for at least 7 years that I’m aware of. If it is something that can be documented in a run book for non professionals to do for twenty cents on the dollar then there is no reason it can’t be done by a script for .002.
Creating legal documents, no. Reviewing legal documents for errors and inaccuracies totally.
Review of legal documents.
You can do a little villainy as a treat
Any “industry” that doesn’t sell a physical product and many who do.
Any “industry” that doesn’t sell a physical product and many who do.