I wanna try Searx too, I’ll document myself a bit more about it.
C++ Software Engineer Big interest in OpenSource communities for years now. 20+ years linux user. But a newbies in fediverse, had heard about it before but needed the help of twitter (for mastodon) and reddit changes to give a real try. Also a fan of Stephen King books. Was [email protected]
I wanna try Searx too, I’ll document myself a bit more about it.
This is how I interpreted the policy too but wanted to be sure about it. It’s so easy to get lost in juridic language.
Ok done a bit the reverse as many here: came from Heliboard and tested out FUTO (thanks to this post and some others telling it was great). And indeed, it works pretty well, better than Heliboard, especially in English (~40% of my use on Android - I’m French native speaker so most messaging is in French and I use English for some search, lemmy,…). So that’s say in French, futo is not as good as in English (suggestions are often less accurate than in English) but it’s still better than Heliboard. The swipe works better too (and doesn’t require an external (proprietary) library). The only drawbacks I see until now is the limitation to 3 suggestions in the suggestions bar, with Heliboard there was a 3 dot menu giving more suggestions and the lack of spellchecker.
I suppose this is what is fixed in 2.24.2: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/pull/1845
yep but nothing prevent you from using an hosting service, there are plenty on the web, or you can selfhost
For notes I’m using Joplin with sync with desktop client through a nextcloud instance. Really a very nice app if you want sync with multiple devices anc user friendly interface.
For maps OsmAnd, I even pay a subscription to support the project (and have hourly updated maps which is pretty cool when I fix wood paths in openstreetmap).
Really happy with this fork, using it for several months now. Also occasionally Unexpected Keyboard for termux / ssh / code …
After a few days of testing, I think this feature is really working very well. Thanks.
I use helium314/openboard on day to day basis, but the few times I use termux or have to ssh a linux box from my phone, unexpected keyboard is really awesome.
Exactly, this makes me very anxious. Feeling that we’re just cutting the branch we are sit on …
I mainly use Offroad map style in osmand. This is because I mainly use the app for hiking/walking and this is thr map style which is the best for that IMHO.
If you want or need something chromium based, a good alternative IMHO is Vivaldi, although partially open source.
Recently switched to Duck Duck Go and honestly I find the results better than Google. More accurate, less “sponsored” results, …
Nice tool, didn’t knew about it, seems far more convenient for dumb end users than what I use right now.
Either setup http/ftp servers but that’s painful to explain, or use services over Internet which is a shame on local network…
I think that one of the structural change that helped a lot to have less stalled or unmaintained open source projects is the improvement in the DevOps tools.
I mean that, until recently, I always had been an open source user and supporter but, despite being a professional software engineer, I never coded in open source projects. The reason to this is that I did not wanted to commit myself into a project that I cannot afford to work regularly on because of professional and/or personal time constraints.
Now with the broad use of git and related platforms for open source projects (GitHub, gitlab, …), it’s possible to work only a little on open source projects. You can fix a bug impacting you as an user, translate some strings in your native language, improve the doc, … without commiting to work regularly on the project. You just change the stuff, have no requirements to inform anyone, make a pull request and it’s merged or not by the maintener …
I think this is really what contributed to improvement in the way open source projects evolved.
Thanks for this update, the MD editor looks promising. If you want a good open source example of great md editor, take a look to Joplin mobile app.
So I’ll contribute with my list too.
Most used utilities apps:
Games (because it can help fighting boredom when in a waiting room or so):
I recently started using Duck Duck Go instead of Google.
I still had this thought that Google was the best technology as I went from the early web (remember… altavista.digital.com, yahoo, …) and I remember that Google was really a game changer when it started to become popular.
I tested setting DDG as default search engine in my desktop and mobile browsers, thinking that when I don’t have expected results I would go to Google… I never had to switch to Google because I was wrong, DDG is as good as Google while being better from privacy point of view.
For the browser I use Vivaldi on both android and desktop.
Exactly this is the problem, when I talk non-geek (including my wife) about privacy they answer “what the hell have you to hide !” … It’s so difficult to convince people :'(
This is fair, as long as you still allow to add own search engine it’s good enough (I re-added qwant but I’m testing out alternatives a bit (searxng (public instance first), startpage and re-give a go to ddg to see if it improved a bit for local results)