I was having that error and it was caused by a compose configuration. I had /tmp incorrectly mapped. Removed the map entirely. Started working again.
I was having that error and it was caused by a compose configuration. I had /tmp incorrectly mapped. Removed the map entirely. Started working again.
Just spent a few days setting up and configuring paperless. I’m a believer. 5k docs already imported, sorted, and ready for easy access.
Don’t bother with a vps for email. Let the professionals do the work for you. I’ve been using MXroute for awhile now and love it.
Heard good things about mailgun as well.
People downvote him because he’s often not helpful at all. What’s the purpose of this sub? To post pictures and diagrams?
Folks come here to ask questions. Telling them to Google is unhelpful, especially when Google likely brought them here.
Just my $.02 based on my observation of his responses to posts.
Hopefully they’re being nice and just trying to show you that your security is garbage.
On the other hand, they could literally be loading malware.
Mine was compromised and the script kiddie was using it to send spam.
Moved to static pages. He got mad. Started sending threatening emails.