I don’t think i ever came across cross posted content where up/down voting was not allowed 🤔
I don’t think i ever came across cross posted content where up/down voting was not allowed 🤔
The thing is said last summer that got me permabanned was “international law states that occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist occupation and fight back by any means possible” reddit has an aversion to facts as do all conservatives and their fellow neo liberal boot lickers
Wtf is “vote brigading”?
They are desperately obvious and its cringe. They were in full blast damage control censorship mode even before december 4th. I was VPN banned last summer just for saying that occupied indigenous people have a right to resist occupation by any means necessary as per international law in regards to palestine and IsNoTreal. So far ive jot been able to evade the ban even with a vpn. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers have become too confident and comfortable.
“reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote calls for a violent revolution against the billionaire class and the fascist neo feudalist militarized police state enforced wage slavery and rent till death economics they have created to benefit their endless growth driven profits while ignoring upvotes of content that praise violence against leftists, women and other marginalized leftist aligning groups and ideologies”
There, FTFY
All money is a grift. Its nothing more thsn s way to bypass the value of bartered and traded commodities with real value. As so we can live in a class dictatorship where our surplus labor value is stolen so a few sociopaths can live in extreme opulent luxury at our expense
My bad. You’re probably correct considering its been 8 years since I’ve cut any keys. But i did have about a decade and a half of key cutting experience. I used to be able to cut 3 keys at a time if the chuck would open wide enough mostly just with the wr-1/kw-1/ar-1 and sc-1 blanks. I don’t miss finding those damn brass shards in my feet after work though
I did clarify in another comment that it did look like an assa key after this comment. Sometimes those little round keys for special cylinder locks and po boxes were the hardest to figure out.
Looks like one of those assa a-xx high security commercial keys with extra slots, some of them even have stepped slots for additional pins in the cylinder.
I guess you could copy a key from a picture but it would be a real pain.
Oh so the replacement isnt the little round y-1/m1 blank in the left side of the pic? Ive cut a lot of keys in my day and what makes them work besides the jagged pattern the pins fall into which allows the lock cylinder to turn are tbe pattern of groces along the horizontal shaft of the key. Sometimes other blanks will work if the slots are not to specific and the key slots are just vague/thin enough to fit into the cylinder but these 2 key blanks have very different slotting configurations
Thats not the right keyblank…… the broken one looks like an sc1 or a y-11 and the little one looks like a y-1/m-1 for master locks.
They manufacture consent, couple that with the extreme oppression and destruction of the middle class since the nixon administration and neo liberal right wing policies that doubled down on these awful ideas while actively working to subvert and undermine any movement left on meaningful social issues. We didn’t let this happen so much as we were conditioned to allow it and be too exhausted just barely surviving that we would not have any energy to actively fight and thwart a blatant class war waged against the working class and poor right in front of our eyes,
Prices fit for a billionaire who wears depends
This is exactly why conservatives have strong armed the judicial branch to backtrack and erase the legal precedent of roe v wade. Its not about their moralist grandstanding. Wealthy people will still be able to safely and comfortably access reproductive health care but their goal is to force poor women/ couples to give birth to children who will be unwanted, unaffordable, and ultimately neglected or even abused living in poverty or becoming institutionalized which will put them at an even higher risk of neglect and abuse.
They know that many people are now refusing to work for the absolute garbage wages they have standardized across the US labor market. 54 years ago one adult working a full time minimum wage job could support a family of four with enough left over to save for retirement, their kids higher education and go on a modest yearly family vacation. Today however it takes both adults working 2 jobs at 80 hours a week with overtime at a base pay of at least $30/hour which is quadruple the federal and double my states minimum wage. Back in the year 1968 minimum wage of $1.60/hr with gold at $35/oz earned 95 ounces of gold annually at 40 hours a week employment. That would be $260,000 today. Even in 1950 (75¢/hr) it was 45 ounces($120,000) a year and 1956($1/hr)was 60 ounces ($160,000) and in the same time frame where minimum wage has lost 84-93% of its value corporate executive pay has ballooned from 30-60 times the median worker salary to 1000-5000 times that same metric today
There are several historical events that I believe show our government has been hijacked by wall street mili And prison industry profiteers who now control and ultimately own our representatives and had them intentionally devalue the US dollar to eradicate the progress made by the labor and civil rights movements in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s while they adequately adjusted their executive compensation to cover this massive theft of currency value. Since then corporate tax has gone from 72% to just 14% today and the tax for income above $200,000 up till Reagan was 91% and today its no different from the tax rates payed by working class people.
And these thieving fraudsters know that people with even a basic level of intellectual understanding are refusing to produce labor when it isn’t worth their effort. More people now than ever are openly expressing dissatisfaction with the environment of labor and wealth distribution. So their solution is to force poor people to have children so they can reap the benefits by exploiting people who are so desperate they have no other option but to work for wages that don’t incentivize the production of labor and lack any amount of dignity. This is the ultimate reality to the recent reversal of roe v wade by a corrupt court owned by fascist plutocratic oligarchs.
You dont tip your landlord? Or at least let him raw dog your wife/ girlfriend?
I pretty much see any person claiming to be nakamoto wether the claim is legitimate or not to be treated exactly as they are treating this guy. Governments In collusion with the military and prison industry profiteers who control all the major financial institutions want to do whatever they want with BTC’s blockchain technology and arent about to let any pesky copyright claims become a hindrance regardless of the validity or lack thereof.
Zionists deserve all the vitriol they get.