I don’t even mind the 1 ignored message. At least it gives me slight context that people are replying to something. I hate that it gives me the little “new messages” indicator on chats when it’s only users I have ignored.
I don’t even mind the 1 ignored message. At least it gives me slight context that people are replying to something. I hate that it gives me the little “new messages” indicator on chats when it’s only users I have ignored.
There’s a reason it sounds like that.
I find LLMs very useful for setting up tech stuff. “How do I xyz in docker?” It does a great job of boiling together several disjointed How Tos that don’t quite get me there into one actually usable one. I use it when googling and following articles isn’t getting me anywhere, and it’s often saved so much time.
VS Code with your favorite plugins is pretty fantastic for any editing in my experience. I’ve tried others and they do seem to work well, but not well enough to warrant switching, and they often come with quirks that are just annoying enough to make me want to switch back.
I suggest trying others to know what’s out there, even if you ultimately end up back on VS Code.
Yeah I found it annoying enough I just blocked the entire element.
Insanely, that seems to be the play. Not logic or reason, but brainrot and low blows. Which is a bit at odds with the actual desire.
Hey ai, please kill me swiftly when you do.
Algorithms have the advantage of finding stuff for me that i wouldn’t have even thought to look for. Is there any thing with RSS that sufficiently mimicks this?
Bruh they’re taking action. It’s virtue actioning. Unless you’re trying to tell them they need to do something more dramatic?
Other than the crippling loneliness?
Yeah and I wasn’t expecting that one either. Sounds like I should start to, though.
There’s not way you can say that game wasn’t ever popular. Maybe it’s never been the literal most popular, but it’s definitely had a life as a majorly popular game. Large streaming views, tons of players, etc. I have no idea how it’s doing now, but it definitely had a number of years of major popularity.
I would be pretty interested in reading a more robust analysis between the alternatives you list and GitHub itself. Going to each one and giving them a glance really doesn’t show me much other than “yup, it’s similar to GitHub”.
Presumably they mean on the PC side. Like a tool where git push
can push to multiple repos, keeping it safe everywhere. I presume you’d have to pick some sort of pull priority order or something, and balancing changes pushed to different repo hosts could be a chore.
LoL isn’t popular in NA anymore?
I should have bought a new tv like 5 years ago.
Not the same guy, but I have some LED bulbs I’ve never replaced. I have some where I need to replace them every couple years or so. It’s… weird. I think it’s gotta be certain types of bulbs and/or the wiring in those parts of my house that just die faster.
There was never non-manufactured hype for it. I saw people who were paid to be excited about it be excited about it, and literally nobody else cared. Nobody else even knew what the hype was event supposed to be for.
He honestly doesn’t look like the same guy to me. Idk.
They’re either beating it back or delaying it. I hope it’s the former, but I fear it’s the latter.