There’s a more direct version of that, I guess from KDE, called KdirStat.
I hadn’t heard of the one in the op. But if I had to guess, it looks like it’s a different take on the same idea.
There’s a more direct version of that, I guess from KDE, called KdirStat.
I hadn’t heard of the one in the op. But if I had to guess, it looks like it’s a different take on the same idea.
I don’t have any better tips for getting involved, but I just want to say thanks! OSS clearly needs help from skilled designers all over the place. Any time someone like you steps up, it’s a good thing. n_n
Yes. Having centralized ownership (to whatever extent) is a concern for sure, but it’s a hypothetical concern in and of itself: “what if the leadership does bad things?” Is different from “the leadership is currently doing bad things.”
Decentralization helps. But if the networks effects aren’t behind it, jumping from platform to platform when things DO get bad is also viable.
Understandable, I’m really looking forward to FF getting tab groups too. I don’t know why such a nice feature was left unimplemented for so long. 🫤
And I mean, there’s still time now. Switching browsers isn’t that bad. Export+import some bookmarks and adjust some settings, good to go.
I think FF has been a good option for a while. But the second best time is now. I can totally get it if people didn’t want to switch until they had more of a concrete problem.
Just like Reddit’s changes last year, seems like a clear and reasonaly expected consequence of the ‘our text is so valuable because AI’ idea.
The web will probably continue to become more gated and more fragmented as a result of that, plus trying to get more control to force ads.
Thanks for updating it! Newer version is all around much better.
Only nitpicky wishlist item I have left is for an undo button on the match screen. (Though it’s not really needed since you can reset an item’s stats.)
Is there? I might be blind, or the F-droid version might be behind. Either way, not a big deal, but I don’t see it.
Another would-be-nice - a button to sort the list alphabetically, so I can see what’s already on it.
That’s fun! It’s silly, but I do enjoy thinking about what my favorite thing in xyz category is and jotting them down, from time to time.
Would be cool if this included some pre-populated sample lists out of the box. Love that the import option is readily available though.
Also, mild inconcevenice - after I view a list, rank some things, maybe repeat a few times, pressing back takes me from list, to rank, etc, when I want it to go back to all lists page. If that makes sense.
Well said. Within the existing framework of copyright law, the emergency open library thing that got them sued seems obviously illegal, despite it being a good thing. What’s good and what’s legal don’t always line up.
The Internet Archive’s work is too important. The library portion (that does controlled digital lending of published books) is nice, but I wouldn’t be too hurt if it goes down. Regular public libraries can fill a lot of that role. But the archive itself is incredible, and losing that would be a huge shame.
Legally, I don’t know that admitting fault and saying sorry does much good, but it certainly isn’t surprising that they got into hot water here.
And I meant to say, most helpful resource for me was the website rtings. Most review and best of lists I can find by searching are so spammy, it’s hard to get any signal. But at least that one let’s me filter a table of printers by features. I just don’t know how many they’re missing.
Had to get a new one recently too. I’ve had good experiences w/ Brother in the past too, but couldn’t find one that quite fit the bill. Needed color and for it to be able to handle cardstock.
Ended up getting an Epson, one that’s in the eco tank line. Has been great so far. Works just fine out of the box on Linux (LTS Ubuntu, anyway)
Generally I read HackerNews and Lemmy communities like this one. Once in a while interesting projects will get highlighted.
But for the most part, once I identify a need, I’ll look through and see what the popular open source options are.
If anyone else was confused by the typo, difficult > default.
I’m not sure what to think. On one hand, yes, Google is of course slimy. But if Mozilla loses it’s big source of funding (and crumbles as a result), that may put things in a worse place?
Then again, it’s a shame that the only major competing browser engine is funded by the dominant browser’s company. Maybe Mozilla can be fine without it?