You can use discord from the browser, can you screenshare from that version?
You can use discord from the browser, can you screenshare from that version?
Does Mac suffer the same bugs as windows in this case?
Try reading on your couch instead
Steam used an embedded browser long before it was cool.
The number of times I move code around and can just press a hotkey to fix indentation though. Not possible with Python.
IMO Tile is fine because usually you forget where something is because you left it there, and so your phone will tell you where you left it, you really only need a network if the thing moves after you left it somewhere.
No you can’t. Just use a main stream browser.
Yeah, it’s accurate both ways
Postgres doesn’t need that much ram IMO, though it may use as much as you give it. I’d reduce it’s ram and see how performance changes.
It’s blinking
Honestly I think we’ve been there for a while. The only difference now is that it’s very easy for anyone to fake something, which might actually force us to face it? Or not who knows.
Yeah in a PR I would probably reject this for being too clever. Before clicking I expected the image to start at 100mb or more, but it’s already under 50, who cares at this point? used it for years it’s great!
Why no real db? Those other 2 features make sense, but if the only option you can use sacrifices the 3rd option then it seems like a win. Postgres is awesome and easy to backup, just a single command can backup the whole thing to a file making it easy to restore.
I mean it makes sense for error reporting. Lots of apps automatically report errors so that they can be detected easily, which would require internet access.
You can use sailboats if you want, no one is stopping you
Yeah I agree, when old people have trouble using an iPhone which is one of the simplest OSs to use, there’s no way that they can use Linux, yes it’s good but it’s not as simple to use as an iPhone. And they can get help with their iPhone from anyone, or at the Apple store, there’s no Linux store they can get help from.
1 is just not true sorry. There’s loads of stuff that only work as root and people use them.
I was trying to think of a good real world example, but couldn’t think of anything. But if you were to think of it as Google docs. You could just copy every doc to change it, but if you’ve shared it with people then you will have to share it again. It also takes up a whole lot more space to do that, sure you could delete those old ones but that takes some work too.