There was a serious security vulnerability previous to Python 3.11 if I recall correctly. You can use pyenv to manage Python versions though:
Isn’t that a matter of behavior? The crack is doing something expected from a crack and the system warns you because most wouldn’t use it without being aware. If you really trust the file, add it as an exception.
Or do you want a software that can vet good cracks from bad cracks?
I think it’s about generating alt text for people with disabilities when they are missing from pictures.
I can’t say the same. Using Firefox with arkenfox (without rmp) and uBlock Origin blocking third party.
The fact it was partially and advertisement for the company, even if indirectly, bothered me, but I thought the message seemed valid.
After ruining some installations and learning some more, I started questioning the fact that pyenv and some venv management are not taught at the beggining.
My provider, small one from my town, or the attendant just decided to give me the password. After months, I found out how to extract the configurations and used my old router instead.