I hate people like this. You took an oath to uphold peace, foreign or DOMESTIC. You can’t defend a country if you don’t plan to protect everyone that belongs to the country. You don’t get to pick and choose who you protect. What a piece of shit.
I hate people like this. You took an oath to uphold peace, foreign or DOMESTIC. You can’t defend a country if you don’t plan to protect everyone that belongs to the country. You don’t get to pick and choose who you protect. What a piece of shit.
I travel for work and thus rent a lot of cars. Can confirm there are far too many options. What’s worse is that new cars don’t have an option for the USB to type C. It’s just type C to C, which is a cord that almost no one owns. Why not have both in the cars!! Bur yeah the new cars all do something a bit different in annoying ways.
FYI: My favorite vehicles. 1 Honda Civic, 2 Kia Soul.
Why did it look at it twice?!!
When these studios shut down all we will have left will be from pirates.
Just use aqua de gio or Jimmy choo
Thank you. You can have another 20%.
I think I’m this guy’s spirit animal.
Imagine if guys figured out that having g decent hygiene is like 70% of it. Women like a good smelling fellow. The other 50% is just being interesting and not all murdery.
Tvs with built in decibels limiter when?
You got it all over my epidermis!!!
It’s not kind to speak of the dead, or so I’m told.
That dollar could buy the family enough Ramen to avoid starving.
Omg there so ugly. Like driving a giant sperm.
10pm being late. When I was young I would stay up until 2-3 am doing stuff.
I have adapted this policy. With a bunch of trying to understand why this person is acting a certain way.
Security for me, not for thee. At this point in my life windows is just too exploitative. I know a little about Linux, looks like it’s time to learn.
I also love it when my servers are overloaded with new content and users looking just to have fun and relax for a change. Or choke my girl whatever.
A lot of good seamen was lost. How unfortunate anyway…
That man really needs to sniff some weeds.