I mean what makes u think that proton isnt just another NSA operation.
I mean what makes u think that proton isnt just another NSA operation.
VPNs protect your from geting caught torrenting, but it cant protect you from the US-goverment.
First of all most of the advertized VPN’s are Honeypots and/or back/bugdoored by the NSA.
And even if they where not…so much of the internet runs on servers/services/isp’s that are related to american companys that Timing attacks are possibe (for example your ISP logs and shared your encrypted traffic and the NSA then compares Timing patterns of requests with other services).
I own a Pinephone64 allready but its still far from the baseline funktionality of a android device. It has hardware switches for the wireless modules tho…
ah fuck. every day i just wana quit android more for a Brick phone.
‘Dont be evil’ was a warning to the users…cause google be watching you.
Where problem?
yeah it works well can confirm
u saying there isnt the all seeing eye of the 3 letter agencys on everone online?
we may be biassed cause we only hear about those who slip thru the cracks
noncredible take: musk is a us gov sock puppet and if x is like this then its because that allowes 3 letter agencys to lure certein ppl in security to speak so they can be tracked better.
this is just another ad/spam again.
this is jusg VPN ad spam isnt it?
the every expensive botnet type
Chain your vpn to another VPN that actually uses real domestic client IP’s then u just look like a normal user to webstites
i will never trust a company that had so much investor money on hand to run such a massivr ad campain like Nord did.
It was missleading, agressive and anoying.
The pressure behind that ad campaim kind made me feel like the whole thing was just the biggest honeypot we have ever seen.
Stopped reading at ‘Gnome’, thats what ya get for not using KDE.
that depends on how high u value privacy
i like the whole concept but it seamed to good to be true and not some type of backdoored honeypot, ill guess ill check it out when enough people reviewed the sourcecode
i just paste whole movie subtitles into search line by line with a script…giving the NSA check person some culture.
Fun fact: after doing this for a few years u get plausible deniability cause everything u say could just have been another movie quote
Use any VPN as if it where compromized.