Your initial “point” was just to insult them. You called them a moron. Nobody’s going to engage with that as if it’s reasonable.
Your initial “point” was just to insult them. You called them a moron. Nobody’s going to engage with that as if it’s reasonable.
Sayonara Wild Hearts. I love that game and often load it up when I’m feeling out of sorts.
It’s pretty telling to focus on the dev’s right to reject inclusivity while simultaneously rejecting and deriding everyone else’s right to judge them for that.
And if it was such a useless change, why didn’t the dev reject it for that instead of saying it was “political”? He’s the one that declared the word itself, not the utility of the change, was the problem. Calling everyone else “trolls” for pointing that out is just disingenuous.
They refused to use the right pronoun. One is a mistake. The other is a choice.
Perhaps this is what you mean, but it’s even worse than just unpaid hours for current employees. His implicit goal is to generate a slave-class of people (which is what actual AI would be) that he can make more of or delete at his whim, and eliminate to livelihoods of any current employees (besides him and other execs, of course).
Anti-consumer is forcing them to use a service they don’t want to in order to use the thing they paid for. Someone using steam clearly wants to use steam.
Now, is it a good idea to put all our eggs in the valve basket? Probably not, but that’s not “anti-consumer”, it’s just unwise.
Gabe Sparrow: “But it does run.”
Using popularity as a metric for if somebody is worth validating isn’t remotely useful.
The headline had me thinking it was some convoluted critique of his decisions, but no, she’s actually just pissy about her shoes and her uncle is nothing more than an aside.
We are so close to these fuckers selling clean, healthy air as the world suffocates.
Those last two are just…wow.
I hope it helps!
And here you are, honoring the horror they lived through by supporting it happening to others! I’m sure they’d be proud.
other than protesting jews in support of islamic terrorism.
Unfortunately there’s only like, 10 Mr. Bean episodes. Not much “more different” to go off of there.
I’m am so strict about what I watch on my yt account. Anything that is just a one off for curiosity or that I think will destroy my front page gets opened in a private browser or 3rd party app.
Fwiw, you can delete videos from your viewing history to theoretically fix it.
“Recreational”. What a heartless dismissal of the swaths of new people being impacted and harmed every day by each new move by these fucks. Just stick to your subscribe feed if their suffering is such an irritant to you and leave the rest of the site to do what it will, yeah?
anger inducing political articles all day every day
Ah yes, those two whole posts out of four about politics in your screenshot really fill up the day 🙄
You literally have the “solution” in hand, yet still insist on whining about being “forced” to confront the reality around you. Just live with having it blocked instead of trying to force everyone else to stop sharing important news and information.
“Fight”. Far be it that we don’t turn everything into a zero-sum “war” 🙄. Can the SD community please not carry over the same console war bullshit just because it’s kinda-sorta similar to the switch? That shit is so lame.
I can’t help but figure it’d be cheaper to custom build a device instead of stripping down a Steam Deck. I suppose it was probably gotten used, but still.
Wet the tip.