Steps to Reproduce:
1.Go near this fucking shit editor.
2.Commit the deadly sin of touching the source control options.
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Go near this fucking shit editor.
2.Commit the deadly sin of touching the source control options.
Usenet or private trackers should do the trick.
Both options are very good. Neither the wallet nor the writing assistant impact your vpn experience, so not sure what you’re looking for in alternatives.
Anyway, sticking with proton or using mullvad are two equally good but different options. Want a VPN without port forwarding and only a VPN? Mullvad. Want port forwarding, or are interested in using their other privacy minded products? Proton.
The issue is that they’re neglecting their core apps in favor of expanding their portfolio. There’s nothing wrong with creating these apps, but it should not be done until the core apps are industry leading and extremely refined.
The developers they used to create this wallet could have been used to fix protonmail bugs, or to bring protonvpn on Linux up to snuff. There’s still no first party CLI for Linux boxes, for example.
Some people just want to watch the world burn…
Agreed, really hoping they stick to refocusing on the browser.
Lol telegram calling signal insecure is too funny.
Just wait till he finds out that the ancient Greeks didn’t have a winter Olympics
You and OP are absolute monsters!
ISPs in the US are notorious for getting public funds for services that they never provide, so I wouldn’t be too concerned about that.
I will archive you!
Since myself and others had no issues with your float needle example, mind sharing what you searched for, and what Google returned?
Sorry you just have a very raspy voice.
You, sir, are a genius
Tomato, tomato translates hilariously poorly in text, I’m dying
orders delivery
falls asleep
complains about “Bullshit fucking app”
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I’m not really following you but I think we might be on similar paths. I’m just shooting in absolute darkness so don’t hold much weight to my guess.
What makes transformers brilliant is the attention mechanism. That is brilliant in turn because it’s dynamic, depending on your query (also some other stuff). This allows the transformer to be able to distinguish between bat and bat, the animal and the stick.
You know what I bet they didn’t do in testing or training? A nonsensical query that contains thousands of one word, repeating.
So my guess is simply that this query took the model so far out of its training space that the model weights have no ability to control the output in a reasonable way.
As for why it would output training data and not random nonsense? That’s a weak point in my understanding and I can only say “luck,” which is, of course, a way of saying I have no clue.
Not many. I prefer smaller trackers though. If you see a lot of popular torrents on larger trackers, you’ll have a bunch of concurrent active seeds.
I feel like you’re vastly underestimating the number of flurries on the fediverse.