it’s very difficult for me to describe to other people how good this setup is. it’s not “check home assistant” good. it’s not “use 1password to store your passwords” good. it’s almost “just download more ram” good
it’s very difficult for me to describe to other people how good this setup is. it’s not “check home assistant” good. it’s not “use 1password to store your passwords” good. it’s almost “just download more ram” good
I really need to test them as well. Being ~100GB each is quite good for me, I won’t need more than 100 for my whole life
I get it about stuff that you don’t really care about But if I spend a day looking for a specific movie, I’m taking it to my grave
I’m so happy about steam’s monopoly. I almost feel like they’re there for us, they broke capitalism
exactly that, INCLUDING server-side binaries to re-create any online features
I could argue that the source code should become public domain as well but we already sound like crazy people
discs are a personal archiving solution (quite a bad one too, unless you’re into m-discs n stuff) and do not solve the data accessibility issue (copying it is labor intensive and needs human interaction, in contrast to a torrent)
Just a side note that M-DISC exists which is essentially a blue ray disk with a claimed longevity of a thousand years (strong emphasis on “claimed”. there’s a lot of controversy around it)
but yes the only way to retain access is piracy as it allows people that didn’t have the media to get it
lol forgot to mention torrentio, the most crucial part of the recipe 😂
it just downloads the torrents in real time for you and gives you a single link. It removes all the torrent quirks - except of course of the fact that you need seeders and the download speed depends on them.
Why is nobody talking about stremio? The user interface and experience is very close to netflix (better at times) but it plays torrents instead.
If you pair it with a real-debrid subscription after you first try it solo it takes it to the next level.
It’s just amazing
And you don’t have to buy anything. Stremio can be installed on your firetv stick
EDIT: forgot to mention that you need the torrentio or torrrentio lite add on for stremio.
what I want to stress out at this point is that due to the techniques required to crack a game (dll injection, ssl pinning bypass, syscall hooking and more) are used by malware
that though leaves you completely unaware if the crack is benign or not. It could be or it could be not. “but it worked fine for me” is also not a good enough pointer as it’s very common practice making the malware run only under certain conditions (after a month, only when the PC is idle or the screen is locked, or make it extremely lightweight - just upload all your browser cookies once a day
if you get hit by something like this there’s no going back. you need to format. there are very, VERY weird ways that a malware can replicate/hide itself to.
software has, is and always will be a game of trust. do you trust the cracker? or even the company that makes the software? and if so, why
I always suggest to never run cracks on a machine that is used to log into personal accounts
The only crack that I actually trust is mass grave (windows & office crack). It’s a powershell script so you can just read its source code
there really is no way to know if you’ve got a virus. it doesn’t take a lot of time to develop a malware that is undetectable, especially if you target something very specific and make it be patient about it. e.g. wait a month, snatch all the browser cookies and send them to a server hosted on azure.
or every so often snatch the clipboard
there are a lot of ways to be very silent
I highly suggest you don’t use the pc you run the pirated games on for anything critical
background: I crack stuff as a hobby (never published anything), used to be a security engineer, programmer by hobby
to me too please
ok so first of all you need to know programming. nothing crazy but you should definitely know what a “function” “loop” or “variable” is and some basic HTTP knowledge (what is an HTTP reuest, what’s a header, etc.).
now, your target is to bypass the license check. there are many ways to go about that:
you can find any function that gets called and has a name (the names are called “symbols”) using frida-trace
afterwards you can write a frida script (javascript) that either replaces the entire function or append/prepend code to it. most times you want to append code that just returns a value as to not mess with the programs internals
if you have a .net app though the whole process is WAY easier as you can read all the code of the app using a decompiler - dnspyex is the gold standard
of course not all apps are that easy to crack. it’s more of a time/mind game and less of a skill one. sure, you get much more efficient and the solutions start to “smell”, but trying to crack an app that has stripped symbols (no function names) and everything is statically compiled (all the dlls are shoved into the exe to make it harder for us) can make your life much more difficult
since this is a “starter guide” i’m gonna leave anti-reverse, anti-debug and obfuscation completely out of the discussion. unless you get a moderately good grasp what the above terms mean, don’t bother
I also didn’t talk about actual reversing with a debugger/decompiler/disassembler as I think that it’s better to find out about them as-you-go. don’t start from that. it’s intimidating
Don’t get intimidated. You’ve got it. Remember that it’s not about skill (ok don’t go cracking IDA Pro or denuvo), it’s about patience and methodology As the hacker say: Try harder and happy hacking 🙂
NOTE0: ALWAYS ask chatGPT stuff. if it refuses to answer put the question in the context of “malware research” NOTE1: I think that someone somewhere may have told me that a very popular app owned by dickheads used in the 3d printing community is a very good starting point 😀 NOTE2: You’re more than welcome to ask anything - PMs or otherwise
EDIT: I forgot to mention reversing divas: since this is such a niche thing to do and you spend your life away from grass, some people involved are in the mindset of “this is not for everyone, you’re stupid and you can’t do it, etc”. Fuckem
same with china
unfortunately I’ve not released any crack and the reason behind it is that I develop them in a way that you can read what they do (which function they hook, what do they expect and more) using https://frida.re so the crack ends being a javascript file that is run through a power shell script. so no “copy this dll” or “disable your antivirus” - super clean and you can always see what the crack does. my base is ALWAYS that you download and install the app from the manufacturer
due to that though I “can’t” release the scripts to the public as:
We are in the era that other than games, the companies have not yet caught up with anti-cracking techniques. I crack shit as a hobby and everything is fun and challenging until you start to mess with games. It’s insanely difficult, a CONSTANT cat n mouse run and sooooo damn time consuming
I have the hobby of cracking stuff like that (but mainly windows apps to tell you the truth) and there are many-ish people out there with the same hobby. search around a bit and google stuff like “Spotify Car Thing github” or “Spotify Thing bypass” or jailbreak. Heavily rely on github and russian forums. Also random small blogs
If you’re so determined though and nobody else has done it and you’re fine not using it for 3+ months, there’s a very slim chance that I could find the time to bypass it
EDIT: Yeap it’s cracked and it’s easy too
where did read it? do you have a link?
in Greece at least nobody gives you the option - unless it’s a very pricey service that you can pay as a package