I think it’s more like a travel agent and a passenger rail
I think it’s more like a travel agent and a passenger rail
If you do use a firewall, and then use a VPN, your connection to a VPN server will still show up right?
I think it’s much easier to use across devices, no lag, quick processing times, and a really transparent and active developer
No no, we won’t be having any of that. It’s not GIF it’s GIF!
How’s your experience using it? Do you keep it always on? And does the phone seem too big?
Why doesn’t Trump like MSI laptops? I think they’re great for gaming in space
Dude it sounds you’re over skilled for the job. You just need to read some guides and you probably know already how networking works, very basic linux commands, linux folder structures, and then the concept of docker - primarily how it maps networking & folders from your “host machine” to the “docker container”, and how it loads services using a docker compose file. Especially for nextcloud, domain dns management and dynamic dns etc would be very helpful knowledge.
Also, just a suggestion, chatgpt etc are super useful. You tell them what you want and it spits out custom instructions for your setup, and you’re able to counter question at any point. If it does make mistakes, which it will, it’s a learning opportunity for you to troubleshoot and figure out how everything works. All the best and if you have a question feel free to message me.
Tiktok got banned in India some years ago and it doesn’t work if you sideload, or even VPN somehow. But pretty much the next day instagram launched their reels things and people jumped ship without talking about tiktok anymore…
The Fappening: Part II
Plex lifetime has lasted me a long long time, maybe around 10-12 years, so even if it somehow stops now it’s more than made up for what I paid for it
Anyone know was Pegasus sold as as a service or the software was sold and the user could target whoever and the number is much larger than 1400?
law that prohibits attempts at monopolies
Why hasn’t this law been used before for so many other things, like all cash burn tech startups such as Uber, etc? Genuine question not being sarcastic…
I just asked ChatGPT to say his name and it did
In India, 5 star has been around forever and was like a cheaper alternative to a Mars bar. They’ve also been known to do humorous advertising for 5 star over the years.
Maybe graphene will find a way into duping those apps to think you have a regular android phone?
If you’re planning on upgrading the CPU, GPU and RAM, have you considered keeping the old stuff and running 2 systems, splitting the load so to say? Could do those random services and Nextcloud, photoprism (unsolicited suggestion - try Immich too!), the OCR thing, etc on the old one and keep the new one for gaming, your forum that needs transcoding, and Jellyfin?
Edit - Afterthought: your old system could then be headless too
Sites like frequencycheck.com let you find out based on country, carrier or device
Silver lining is that this may be the end of captchas
I have an even better idea. We should connect all of the defense systems, including nukes, to an AI. It’ll be a great network across the sky using starlink satellites. I think we could call it SkyNet.