better yet, make it a shifting line. Should be trivial to spot if the line is shifting through all the chroma and lux values.
better yet, make it a shifting line. Should be trivial to spot if the line is shifting through all the chroma and lux values.
You don’t share food if you’re starving. You don’t share time if you work 12 hour days, every day.
If you spend all your energy on survival, you got no energy to spare on anyone else. I bet our hypothetical starving person would be moral and share, if they had the chance and materials.
If they don’t… then it’s not a matter of won’t it’s can’t. People are more likely to share food they have excess of, time they have excess of. If they can’t spare it, they won’t.
So what, then bribes and intimidation just… aren’t actually effective ways of bending morals?
I gotta say I have 0 papers backing me, but I feel like the fact that the very concepts are words in the English language carries some weight.
… How much are you willing to overlook to keep yourself from going homeless?
There just ain’t enough protection for whistleblowers right now.
I’m not. What do you get as a reward for blowing the whistle? Genuinely?
There’s no bounty, even if there was you wouldn’t get it for at least a year after you blow the whistle.
Once it’s discovered it’s you, you’re fired. There goes your paycheck, your health insurance. Now your home is in jeopardy and you have no decent income verification to get a new one.
Good luck working in any job even remotely related to what you know. You now have a stigma in any background check and while a privately owned mom & pop might look at you favorably, there ain’t a single corporation who will take pride in hiring you. You’re risky.
The most ethical person, is one with no debt, who owns their home, and has 8 months expenses saved up. That’s not most Americans right now.
… Ok well here’s the link to the moment (in the video you watched) where we have one **staff ** member giving an official response to how LTT interpreted the problem in a forum post on their website.
And here’s a link to their youtube channel where they talk about honey
You’ll notice. There isn’t one.
So for at least two years, they knew honey was stealing affiliate links and considered it a big enough problem to end their partnership, but did not consider it a big enough issue to make a video on it.
I think what was truly surprising is that they were bought for 4 billion.That much money for… basically an out and out scam. Paypal is that sure that it’s:
entirely legal
Will never be stopped
will return on a 4 billion investment.
seriously… did you watch the video?
Here. Here’s a link to the exact moment that entire chapter starts.
Oh, never even heard about mbin. I just now the same error has been on kbin for 8 months now
maybe, but I came from kbin. which I now consider dead and gone.
I for one cheer and root for my flip phone friends.
I’d never do it, but we have one at work and he’s singlehandedly causing so much grief at work. Because none of the engineers wanna use a security app for login. They want a fob.
IT refuses to pay for fobs and wants us to use an app, but they also don’t want to pay for a phone for anyone in engineering just to use the security app because it opens a floodgate of people with company phones.
It’s just wonderful to watch this fight from the sidelines sipping tea.