They have a functioning society, more fighting age men than you have people, an increasing technological lead in pretty much all fields and the world’s manufacturing capacity.
What is your plan holy warrior? A nuclear suicide vest?
They have a functioning society, more fighting age men than you have people, an increasing technological lead in pretty much all fields and the world’s manufacturing capacity.
What is your plan holy warrior? A nuclear suicide vest?
A reprap style project could probably make a passable document printer- but what’s the appeal? People only work on those projects to make new or previously unobtainable machines available.
I just don’t think it’d be worth the effort.
And have you ever read the forms? I don’t know if writing the software could be seen as tax advice or filing on behalf of someone.
Probably not. But its enough that I wouldn’t be interested in working on the project.
Just that bust out scene from Goodfellas over and over again until everything collapses.
Who cares if he insults a politician? How is that the problem?
The problem is that he is threatening your sovereignty. Yes I understand that calling him Governor is implying that Canada is merely a state. But that’s the problem, not some slight against a figurehead.
insulting our PM
threatening to annex us
One of these things is not like the other.
where legally, “sell” includes things that most people wouldn’t consider a sale
Allowing access for valuable consideration is pretty cut and dry. What is the legislation defining beyond that?
Email is never “end to end encrypted” outside of layering something else on like PGP- which you could use with any email service.
You get like 5 guys left building stupid shit they thought up while doing heroic amounts of coke and torturing prisoners over the weekend.
stifle reverse engineering for interoperability.
Nothing will get better until the rent seekers are cast out of the temple.
Collecting paychecks for being controlled opposition?
multiple code deletes
That’s not how open Source works…
These projects focusing on configuration changes and feature removal demonstrates their lack of creative potential.
Who cares if they fork? They don’t have the ability to do anything but sit on dead code at that point.
threat of violence
Do you understand what an analogy is?
Anyways, Firefox is the project. All of those other “projects” are mostly configuration changes of the upstream project- not even code changes.
When Firefox decides to become hostile to those “other” browsers you use- they’ll be able to do fuck all about it.
they’re coming up to my front door with a battering ram
Let’s see how this plays out.
DivestOS was also cool while it was developed.
flashed … custom software
Any hints on where one might find details on this?
Included warranties are typically very short and extended warranties are worthless.
I’m probably not getting enough ketamine in my diet.
So the anti-Trump resistance is fucked?