seems like there’s an issue with case 3. the person_id and from surveillance_records doesn’t match up with the person_id in the hotel_checkins table when joined on hotel-checkin_id
seems like there’s an issue with case 3. the person_id and from surveillance_records doesn’t match up with the person_id in the hotel_checkins table when joined on hotel-checkin_id
haaave you heard about our lord and saviour Typst?
same layout algorithm as LaTeX, but:
To be a positive impact, they just need to be less carbon intensive thans the energy they displace. According to the first results on google, (presumably utility-scale) solar is about 12 times less carbon intensive than natural gas and 20 times compared to coal. So as long as you’re replacing base load and not utility solar, balcony solar could be as much as 10 times less efficient and still come out a net positive.
Keep in mind also that these numbers keep improving as solar panel manufacturing becomes more efficient and starts using more green energy itself over the coming decades
regardless, it doesn’t matter if people are already forced to tip. it just means you’re already paying more but it’s just not included in the sticker price
it works great on desktop using mouse too
It’s one thing to just use the software, it’s another to open bug tickets that you expect the maintainer to prioritise. It’s free software, the maintainer doesn’t have to do anything for you. If they want tickets fixed with high priority, they should work something out with the maintainer.
Is the current incarnation beatable, or was that a while ago? I’m not making any progress
X11 being reliable because Xorg devs aren’t stupid
Not gonna disagree with the rest of what you said, but the Xorg devs and Wayland devs are mostly the same people
Because you can’t (easily) program gui apps to automate tasks, but combining a few terminal programs to get more complex behaviour is really easy
Desktops are superior even if only for the better cooling options, allowing your chips to sustain higher clockspeeds for longer without the machine sounding like a jet taking off
Vpns rely on encryption, which this bill will undermine.
You could use jq, which will work no matter how the json is formatted.
Without trying it out, something like the following might work:
jq ' |= 11' file.json > file.json.tmp && mv file.json.tmp file.json
yeah man the woke libtards have gone too far, do they really expect to survive their jobs?? so privileged!
Stamford bridge is also a bridge though. And the location of a very important battle in English history. If you’re not a football fan, you might be familiar with the battle but not the stadium (as was my case).
I think this example is more like if she thought scalloped potatoes involved scallops, but there were actually 2 dishes called scalloped potatoes, one of which does involve scallops
Ahh won’t have the reflexes for that… Maybe civ?
I think the main reason OOP has a well-known term and pattern for dependency injection is to differentiate these two (out of multiple) options:
However, this becomes less of a pattern in functional programming as you wouldn’t make such objects to begin with. In FP, you pass all parameters where a function is invoked, and DI just becomes using generic parameters. You wouldn’t instantiate a dependency on each function call after all.
As this is such a minor change, it’s not really talked about much and it’s not really a pattern,
this right here is the issue, people don’t even remember the size smartphone used to be. I’ve got a phone that’s one of the smallest available that still have decent hardware. the screen is still 6.1 inch. your example of a reasonable size is 6.3 inches.
what op and I are actually looking for is something around 5 - 5.3 inches instead, like smartphone used to be. For that size, all that is available today is no-name chinese phones with shit hardware and no support. the big brands are busy selling 6.2 inches as “compact” where it used to be considered phablet size